Decepticats Scenarios

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A silver cat brushed up against me, what I thought was him asking to be picked up. I picked him up and our noses touched, but then he bit my nose. I yelped and gently set him down.
"Megatron! No!" He hissed. I could tell he was trying to be the dominant one of the house.
An hour later, I was laying down and watching my favorite show. I suddenly felt something lay on my chest, and saw Megatron there. I smiled and pet him behind his ears, making him purr.
"Are you going to be nice to me?" He rubbed his head hard against my hand, signaling that he will be good. For now.

"Starscream! Stop knocking things over! You're going to break something!" Screamer looked at me with his red eyes and inched towards a glass.
"No... don't you even..." he raised his paw.
"Don't! I'm warning you!"
He knocked it over. The glass shattered and he jumped off the counter, but then yelped in pain. He stepped on the glass.
"Awww, see? That's why you don't do that and LISTEN TO ME..." I picked him up and he let out an angry meow. I laid him on his back, which he was very willing to do, he likes belly rubs but doesn't admit it, and I grabbed my tweezers and started picking the glass out carefully. Occasionally, I'd get a yelp or a hiss, but he is okay.

Definitely one of my most quiet cats. All he really does is sleep on my boom box and sometimes even paw at it until it's on. He'd hiss at me if I try to turn it off. Sometimes, I would open my phone's camera and find pictures of Soundwave. He took pictures. That's cute. When he feels like it, and it isn't that often, he will sleep on my lap or on me. He liked jumping to high areas, bless my soul he doesn't mess with the things on the counter.

Oh goodness. He lays on all the paper he can find, I can't leave the house without him saying his goodbyes, which consists of him rubbing his wet nose all over my face. Sometimes, I'd find him looking outside, staring at all the people walking by. Menacing. He has a wicked grin and his claws on the window.
"Are you like...thinking of doing evil science tests on them or something?"
He looked at me and seemed to nod.

He likes to go to high areas, he doesn't like to cuddle much, but after a long day of playing, he cuddles up NEXT to me. He purrs just like that. A simple touch and boom, purrs. He likes jumping from high places, and running around with Starscream and Skywarp.

Just like Thundercracker. Likes high places, loves playing with Screamer and Thundercracker, except he loves cuddling. And getting on the counter and knocking things down. Except glasses. Every cat that I have hates knocking glasses down, except Screamer. He will meow when he wants attention. He also begs for your food.

520 words

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