Rumble x Human!Anxious!Reader ⭐️REQUESTED⭐️

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Requested by the great~ AkiTheYaoiFangirl

Do you all like my Rumble shrine? I just found random Rumble art and put it all together <3 (If it even uploads...Wattpad is being buggy again...)

Well maybe if I upload it like ... no? idk..

g u y s  i  h a v e  f o u r  r e q u e s t s  a a a a a a a a-

Biting my lip hard, I paced around my chamber with a very uncertain expression.

"Y/nnnn..." I jumped at the new voice that crashed my train of thought. 

"Rumble! Um... How long h-have you been in here?" 

Rumble gave me a 'really' look and crossed his arms. He leaned against my door frame and tapped his pede.

"About an hour and a half. Listen, I'm worried about you." I bit my lip harder, tasting blood as I did so.

"Your lip is bleeding, Y/n...come on." Rumble, standing about a foot and a half taller than me, got close to me. I backed up but was stopped when I felt a servo grab my hand.

Rumble gently placed a servo on my bleeding lip and wiped the blood away. I felt my face get hot fast at his caring actions. 

"What did you do to- You were biting your lip again, weren't you?"

Ever since Soundwave allowed Rumble to get a pet, me, I had always enjoyed everything about the cassette. His actions of affection, his gentle movements, his voice... his blue color...

Rumble surprised me by pressing a tissue to my lip. I felt faint and stumbled forward, leaning on the chest of Cassetticon. Rumble stumbled back, but kept his balance. 


An hour later, I decided to head to the bathroom (or washroom for some of you) and turned on the shower. I stripped myself of my Decepticon-themed clothing and stepped into the shower. I let the warm water hit my body as I started to feel panic rise within me.

He knows that I have been feeling very anxious lately...

He wants to help.


I dried myself off and got dressed in clean, purple clothing. I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I heard Rumble come in and sit on the bed with me. I turned away from my friend and he sighed.

"Listen...I am really worried about you. You're not acting like yourself." I wiped my eyes quickly and saw my finger shine with tears. I bit my lip and shuddered. Rumble noticed my shaking body and quickly got to my side. He made me sit up gently and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me. 

"I-I've just been really anxious... and nervous. I'm sorry, Rumble,..." Rumble carefully set his head on my shoulder and held me tighter.

"Don't be apologizing for things you can't control." I leaned on Rumble's chassis and he nuzzled me.

"Why have you been feeling like this?" He asked.

"Megatron sort of scares me..." I felt Rumble nod and I turned to face him. Rumble was close to me, and I was sitting on his lap. He sighed as he took off his visor, revealing the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen.

"Woah..." I muttered quietly, which caused Rumble to blush and smile.

"Thank you." He pressed a soft kiss to my cheek to calm me down.

"W-..Ah-" I stuttered in confusion at his sweet action, and soon found myself freezing and giving up on trying to form a sentence.

A soft chuckle left the mech and he pecked my lips. I squeaked and jumped in surprise.

"R-Rumble!" Then I gave up again and faced facts.

I love this mech.

I pressed my lips to his and he kissed back very gently. If I wanted to pull back, I could.

"Thanks for calming me down..." I whispered to the blue 'Con.

Rumble grinned and laid us both down.

"I want you to rest. Rest can help soothe your stress." I nodded and snuggled up against the chassis of Rumble. 

He held me close and made sure I was as comfortable as ever.


649 words

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