Graham x Reader

732 20 19

I couldn't help myself I love him so much-

If you've read some older oneshots in this book, you might see some references~

I limped home from school, my hair covering a black eye, bruises scattered across my body, cuts and scratches even more so.
I walked to the firehouse and walked in, going to Graham's room and falling. He gasped and ran to my side.
"What happened?" He asked.
"I don't want to talk about it." He frowned and picked me up, bringing me to his bed and laying me down. He got out a medical kit and started to clean and bandage my wounds.
"Please, Y/n, I don't like seeing you hurt like this every day... someone is doing this, am I right?"
I nodded silently. He frowned more.
"No one. I don't want you part of this. It's between him and me." His eyes widened slightly.
"A guy is hurting you like this? Is he a student? A teacher?" I teared up and looked at my torn shorts and the skin that was shown under the torn fabric, bruised and scratched.
"I said I don't want you in this, Graham." I curled up and winced.
Graham rolled up my shorts to clean the scratches on my thighs and knees, then put Soundwave Bandaids™ over the wounds.
"Please, at least just tell me the name.." his voice was full of sadness.


The next day, I was walking back to the firehouse, my home at the moment. I was training to be a police officer, my tutor was Chief Burns himself. From what I've learned, I knew that the assaults Francis does to me were drifting towards the more illegal side of the system, but I really wasn't up to telling the law enforcement... I didn't even want to tell Graham, my best friend.
Once again, I was hurt badly and laying on Graham's bed. His sheets looked like they were recently cleaned, probably from the blood I got on them from yesterday.
"Again? Y/n, you know you have to tell someone about this.. he's hurting you, and he's even gone as far as teasing you and embarrassing you." I grumbled and rolled my eyes.
"It's nothing I haven't gone through before."
"I know,... I just don't want you to relive this again. Listen, if you don't tell Chase or my dad, I will-"
"NO!" Graham flinched and frowned.


Two weeks later, Francis made a move that nearly got me killed, but Graham saved me. Well, more Chase did. I was walking home from school and Francis decided to run me over. He was successful, but when he tried again, Chase grabbed me and ran back to the firehouse. Graham wasn't happy, but he was glad I was alright.


"Do you know how much I care about you?" Graham asked.
"No, not really."
He blushed as he bent down over me, then kissed me. I blushed and kissed back, pulling him close.
He nuzzled my neck, laying next to me and hugging me.
"I don't want to see you hurt... ever.." I smiled and nuzzled his chest, then yawned.
"I love you."
"Love you too."
534 words ha

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