G1 Sunstreaker x Reader ⭐️REQUESTED⭐️

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Requested by the way cooler than me ~ Mundrax

The dawning sun settled just above the trees. Cool breezes flowed through the warm air, causing a feeling of mercy from the warmth. Sunstreaker wipes some coolant off his forehead as he filled a mini pool with cool water. The sun made the Autobot dreary fast and he wiped more coolant from his forehead.

"I think I'm done. Daniel, you can jump in now." Daniel smiled and ran to the small pool and jumped in. The water splashed Sunstreaker, but he didn't care, if felt nice.

"Gosh, it's hot out.." Sunstreaker spoke quietly. I was sitting in the cool shade under a tree and smiled at the poor Autobot.

"It's cooler in the shade," I said to him. He walked over to me and sat beside me. He watched Daniel play in the water and then saw Spike and Carly come out of the base. They smiled at their son splashing around and playing. Some of the water hit Sunstreaker and I and we both flinched. He let out a chuckle.

"Let's go back inside, it's hot out." I stood up with the yellow and black Autobot and we both went it just to find that the others went on a mission without telling us. Great.

"Well, we have the whole place to ourselves, I guess."

"It would have been nice of the others to at least tell us they're going to be gone for a while." Sunstreaker spoke up. We went to an area that we normally just hang out in. It is air conditioned, which is just what we needed now. Sunstreaker sat in a corner where the cool air blasted from and I sat next to him. I leaned on his shoulder and he held my waist and sighed.

"Thank whoever created air conditioning..."

"You're welcome, Sunstreaker." We heard Teletraan I say. We laughed a bit and he leaned on me.

"Well, with it being only us inside..." He smirked a little and I blushed.

"W-What..?" He gently kissed my cheek and I smiled in return.

"I can finally do that." I giggled and hugged him. Sunstreaker hugged back and hummed as he relaxed. The warmth that took over us has finally passed and now we were cold, but it felt good. We held each other for a while and enjoyed the cool breeze. 

"You know that Optimus and the others think we're together...?"

"Can we be together?" The question caught him off guard. He looked at me with a shocked look with a blue blush across his face.

"I...yeah, we could.." I smiled and leaned on his chest.

"Good.." He hugged my stomach from behind and kissed my helm.


456 words :)

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