Tailgate x Reader

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Tailgate and I were wandering the grounds of a planet we've never really been to but we've seen it. It was only us, no one else. Currently, we were at a park of some sort when we heard distant crying.
"I'll go see what that is." I told Tailgate. He nodded. I left my friend's side and went to the crying. A sparkling. A lonely sparkling. She was near the water and I looked around. No one was around. I picked up the Cybertronian baby and went back to Tailgate. He looked at the baby and gasped.
"She's adorable! Where's her mom?" I shrugged and held the sparkling close. Her cries died down and she cuddled into my chest.
"Well... no one is around but us. We can bring her back to the base." I nodded and she reached her little servos out to Tailgate. He chuckled and picked her up from me.
"What should we name her?" I thought and looked at the scenery. It was a bright but rainy sunset.
"How about Sunset Rain? Or Rainy Evening?" She giggled at the second name. She likes it.
"Rainy Evening sounds good. And she likes it, haha." Tailgate nuzzled the sparkling adorably.
"We need a ground bridge." I called to the base. A bridge appeared and we entered. Optimus looked at the baby.
"Why do you have a baby?" I saw Tailgate hug her comfortingly. She cooed and closed her optics.
"We don't know where her mother is. I think she was abandoned because she was near the water. Dangerously close." Optimus gently picked up Rainy Evening and tickled her with his digit. She laughed and grabbed Optimus's mouth piece.
"Heh heh.. cutie." Optimus cooed. I laughed and he glared at me.
"That's cute. That's... that's adorable, Optimus." Tailgate felt jealousy build up.
"Cuter than me?" I hugged him and he hugged back.
"Nothing is cuter than you." He blushed.
"You are." He mumbled. Rainy Evening cooed at us.
"Well...seeing that we have no way of tracking her real parents, I supposed you two can be her adoptive parents." I blushed and held her close to me. She had fallen asleep and I cradled her gently. Tailgate grinned.
"I've always wondered what it'd be like to be a dad!" I shushed him.


Rainy was now a preteen and she was trouble. I realized she was destined to be a Decepticon, but, like Tailgate, she is too pure to be evil. I was cuddling with Tailgate and he was asleep. Rainy was causing trouble and a loud crash woke him from his recharge.
"I thought being a dad was going to be fun. I mean- it is, but..." I nodded. He grabbed hold of Rainy and she fell on us. She laughed.
"That was fun!!" Tailgate looked at her.
"You need to calm down... you're going to destroy the whole house if you keep this up." Rainy nodded and laid on us, her head on my lap and her legs on Tailgate's. We cuddled together and I pressed a tired kiss to Tailgate's cheek. He blushed.
"What was that for?"
"Am I not allowed to kiss my sparkmate?" He kissed me on the dermas.
"You are. I love your kisses!" He chirped. Rainy fell asleep and we fell asleep along with her.

I'm at the hospital because my mum is sick... so here's another update!
567 words

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