Scared!Cornered!Submissive!Starscream x Caring!Autobot!Reader ⭐️Requested⭐️

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Ain't that a title for ya
Requested by the awesome ~ UT_Girl666

Art by me

As the rest of the Autobot team made their way back to the base after once again defeating the Decepticon team, I stopped myself when I saw a certain seeker on the ground, his wing stuck under a giant rock.

"H-Help me..." He begged. By now, the rest of my team had made it back and I was the only Autobot in sight.

"Why would I help you? You're a Decepticon, Starscream." I snapped at the stuck bot. Both of us were surprised by the tone I had. 

"You don't understand, Y/n! Megatron and the others had done this to me." 

"They did this? Not the Autobots?" I asked. He nodded and tried to make his way from under the boulder that pinned his wing, but only resulted in a shock of pain. I felt guilt build up in me and rolled my eyes.

"Fine, let's get you unstuck." 

The reality of this all scared Starscream. Having an Autobot help him, he can't fly away if I try anything.

He can't fight back because his wing helped him with balance.

He couldn't send a message to Soundwave or Megatron, they betrayed him, basically.

"Why would you help me...?" Starscream asked me after a while. I gave him a sweet smile and didn't say anything. 


It was a very dark night, every bot had fallen into a deep charge, except for Starscream and I. Of course, we both didn't know we were the only ones awake, and we snuck out of our bases, going into the city to explore and get fresh air (back when it wasn't infested with Covid-19).  Starscream found himself in an alley and every noise he heard made him jump. I saw Starscream wander about in the alley and decided to go say hi. He saw my silhouette and became instantly afraid. He backed into a corner where he had no escape. Great, just great!

"P-Please...don't hurt me...I-I am..L-Lord Stars-scream!" He tried his best to threaten me, but I just kept quiet. 

"Why would I hurt you?"

"M-Most bots get hurt or kidnapped in alleys..." 

"Starscream, it's me.." I showed myself in the dim streetlamp and he immediately loosened his tense posture. I frowned and tilted my head.

"I" He hadn't realized the shakiness in his voice until now. I felt bad, again. I surprised him by wrapping my arms around him and resting my head on his chest. 

"What are you-"

"Shh..." He sighed and relaxed in my touch. He still shuddered with fear and then decided to speak after a while

"What are you doing out?" He asked, which I only cuddled closer to him. "I could ask you the same thing."

" I needed to think." 

"I did too."

We stopped hugging and looked into each other's optics, which were glowing in the darkness. 

"I was thinking of you, Starscream. I couldn't help but think of the possible feelings I've grown for you." He smiled and held me close.

"I had the same thought." I grinned and pecked his cheek, which made him blush.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Star! Maybe we can hang out after fighting Decepticons?"

"Or Autobots." 

I left with a crooked smile.

527 words

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