Roadbuster x Human!Reader

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Ok so normally I hate bayverse films because they screwed up how the characters should look like (except in Bumblebee, Bumblebee was the movie that got me into transformers) But I gotta admit this certain Mountain Dew bot is kinda cute.

Possibly Out of character?

On with the story!

I smiled as I walked over to some bleachers, being the only one at the racetrack today. It was really rainy and cold, so nobody came, not to mention the normal racers, normal I mean human, couldn't race due to the track being slick. I was lonely and decided to walk around the bleachers looking for bottle tops and other junk. I found a few pennies, as well. I got bored once again, then sat on the cold, wet bleacher and looked at the empty racetrack.
It was almost eery having no one around. Just the darkened, almost black clouds, then merciless wind, the heavy rain and the occasional boom of thunder.
The only thunder I wish to hear was that of a race car.
But nope.
I looked up at the tall, bright streetlights that lit up the racetrack. The ground was already pretty flooded with rainwater, and I was soaked, but I didn't really care.
I heard a loud engine crackle in the silent area, then my attention was brought to two bright headlights that were at the flooded starting line. I smiled softly and watched the race car as it drove laps around the track.
The car was green and black, having some Mountain Dew stickers on it. In all, it was a very beautiful car. But who would drive their car in a storm like this?
When the car stopped, I went up to the door and opened it to talk to the driver, but there was no driver.
"Um..." I spoke.
"What do you want?" I jumped back at the voice.
"I..I was just wondering why you're driving in this crazy weather, you have a very beautiful car, I wouldn't want it to break..." the strange voice let out a bellow of laughter.
"I am Roadbuster. An Autobot wrecker." I sighed in relief.
"Oh, thank goodness. I thought you were either a ghost or a Decepticon..." the car, Roadbuster, transformed to reveal his bot mode.
"Woah..." I backed up slightly and admired the tall bot.
"Who are you and why are you out here?" Roadbuster asked.
"I'm Y/n, I went here to see a race, but due to the whether, it was cancelled... and I don't really have a place to stay." The Autobot wrecker nodded.
"Would you like to come with me?" I nodded.
"Yes, please!"


"I can't believe that was 10 years ago..." I told Roadbuster.
"Specifically 10.5 Earth years." He corrected. I giggled and nuzzles the servo of the large bot, who in return gave me headpats.
"Hey, mind if I admit something?" I asked. Roadbuster pulled me close.
"Go ahead."
"So um... for a few years now, I've had this strange feeling towards you..." He perked up.
"Oh, is that so?" He smiled at me.
"Y-yeah, um, I have a crush on you." My face felt hot quickly and he chuckled.
"I have a 'crush' on you as well." I felt him pull me close and he gently placed his large dermas on my lips. I blushed more and slowly kissed back.
"I knew you did, especially when we first met."
"You said I was beautiful."
"You are!" I laughed.
He kissed me again and I smiled.
"You are as well. Or, maybe it's the fact you like Mountain Dew, and I happen to-"
"No! Nope! Definitely not! You're just really really cute!"
617 words

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