Soundwave x Reader

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"Kneel!" I fell onto my knees. Galvatron, my leader, had found out I didn't complete his mission for me as planned.
"Now, tell me why you worked with those idiotic Autobots." He demanded.
"My king, it was the only way. I couldn't have taken the Diamond Dragon without them! Please, don't hurt me." He kicked me.
"Hurting you doesn't matter! What matters is that you disobeyed orders. I did say if you saw any Autobots, you must destroy them, didn't I? Well,.. didn't I?!" I was shaking.
"Y-Yes, sir... you did... but I-"
"I don't care!"
"I got the Diamond Dragon! That's all that matters, right?" He scowled.
"Are you defected?!" I had to lie to get out of this, don't I?
"I...I did follow orders, sir! I killed the Autobot named Arcee!"
"You lie to your leader!" He threatened. I saw movement in the corner, glancing quickly at the figure. Soundwave. I looked at Galvatron again, just to be smacked.
"You're just as defected as Starscream." He said before walking away from me. I was left sitting on the cold floor, crying softly. Soundwave walked over to me when he knew no one else was around.
"S-Sorry you had to see that." I apologized to the mech. He didn't say anything. Just stood there.
"I'm okay, by the way..." he scanned me, making sure I was okay.
"You have ruptured underlying wire vessels on your right cheek." I touched my cheek and pulled away.
"He only smacked me, don't worry!" I smiled. I got up shakily. I stumbled and fell closer to the mech in front of me, now chest to chest with him. He didn't move. He just looked down at me. I couldn't read his expression. After a while of staring at each other, he finally put a metallic hand on my cheek. I found myself wondering how a bot could get a bruise.
"Hey, um, do you think Knockout might know how to heal my cheek? It is such a minor injury, so don't worry too much about it." I smiled. He nodded and took me to Knockout.
"Oh, what happened to the princess?"
"Excuse me I'm a queen." I corrected Knockout.
"I was flirting. But you're not wrong." I rolled my eyes and pointed to my cheek.
"Can you heal me? Galvatron hit me..." knockout smirked as he realize how close he could get to my face.
"I sure can, N/n." He cooed. I sat down and my metallic brows knitted together when Knockout asked Soundwave to leave.
"Wait why does he have to leave?" Knockout placed a hand to my cheek, going down to my chin.
"Oh... I just think it'd be more...private." I pushed him off and got up, getting the icepack off the counter and left. Soundwave was waiting outside.
"Let's go." I said in an annoyed tone. He seemed curious.
"What happened?" He asked.
"Nothin out of the norm. Typical flirt." Soundwave's fans whirred louder. That's a bit weird...
My arm was getting tired from holding the icepack to my cheek. Soundwave noticed the slump of my arm and grabbed the icepack. He held it for me and guided me to his room. He typed in a code on his keypad and he got in.
"Why'd ya bring me here?" He pointed to my bruise. He sat me down.
"I told you, I'm fine!" He put the icepack on my cheek, just letting it rest there. We sat in silence. I heard a loud whirring sound and saw Laserbeak fly in the room. He landed on my shoulder and Ravage got up from laying on the floor and laid next to me, resting his head on my legs. Rumble and Frenzy laid beside me, Rumble leaning on me and Frenzy using Ravage as a pillow. Ratbat landed on my other shoulder.
"Uhhhh..." I heard an odd noise come from Soundwave. He laughed. I have never heard him laugh. And I love it.
"Come on, Sounds, you know what want to cuddle like the others..." he heated up and snuggled me, I snuggled him back.
"One big happy family, huh?" I laughed. Soundwave's fans seemed to slow down, indicating that he must have fallen asleep. Then I noticed everyone that decided to cuddle with me has fallen asleep. I closed my eyes and pulled them close to me, thinking of how lucky I am to still be part of the Decepticon family. And to know Soundwave, Ravage, Rumble, Frenzy, Laserbeak and Ratbat.
Gotta admit I kinda like this ❤️
763 words

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