G1 Jazz x Feisty!Reader ⭐️Requested⭐️

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Requested by the brilliant ~autobotGirl4Ever

In this the reader will have wings like Starscream, sorry if you don't!!

"Y/n, I am sending you and Jazz to patrol around the city. We have not heard very much of Megatron, and if there would be activity from them going on, it would happen in the city."

"What? Why me?" I snapped at Optimus. He knew of my feisty behavior and often didn't mind it.

"You are the only one who has wings. The Aerialbots can not fly currently in this weather." I groaned, "Fiiiiine. I guess I'll go. Come on, Jazz."


Jazz was oddly silent for half the patrol. I'd often poke him to break his hard gaze and endless thoughts.

"Hey, what's up with you today?"

"Oh, uh, nothing, Y/n. Just the rain, I guess." He explained. I raised a brow.

"Uhhh-huh. Right. Well stay focused. I'm going to get a better view." I lifted my leg up and jumped to lift off. I then landed on a slick roof and somehow kept my balance. I looked left and right for any strange activity.

"Hey, Jazz! Come here!- Oh, wait, you don't have wings." He tilted his head as I shouted 'never mind' from the roof. The rain poured harder and the roof began to get slicker. I decided to get on my hands and knees for safety so I don't slip. 

"Maybe it's not such a good idea to be up there." I growled.

"I know my limits! You don't!" Just when I was saying that, my legs slipped off the ledge and I fell hard onto the ground. 

"Y/n! Are you okay?" 

"Shut it." I shakily stood up and tried flying back up but my wing was bent.

"Frick this..." I muttered under my breath. My leg let out a sharp shock of pain and I saw that I was bleeding.

"We need to get you back-"

"NO! I refuse. Optimus gave us a mission, I'm not failing him." 

"But you need to help yourself." I growled and tried to push Jazz, but ended up falling forward. Jazz caught me and my head hit his chest. I stayed frozen in shock with a blue hue on my face.

"I...-Let me go, dunce!" He refused to let me go. I was in no shape to just 'go back' at this point. 

"I'm sorry, but I can't do that." Jazz told me. He held me closer and managed to wipe the rain from his visor.


"Y/n. Listen to me!" Jazz's face got close to mine and I could see his breath in the cold air.

"WHAT, JAZZ? WHAT?" I yelled loudly. He jumped a little at the sudden loudness and risked being punched. He pressed his dermas to mine. I was about to punch him, but soon found myself enjoying the kiss. The physical pain I felt melted away almost and I brought him closer.

"Stop being so feisty sometimes and just listen..." Jazz whispered. I relaxed and kissed him in which he returned.

"Fine. But only because you said so."

He then carried me back to the base to help Ratchet heal me.


I low key enjoyed this

509 words

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