Aron x Reader

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I have no idea what I'm doing anymore haha but tbh he is low key adorable??? He sort of grew on me...

Art by me

I was wandering around with my only friend Aron. Aron smiled at me widely.

"Let's play another game!" He suggested. Aron and I were the main nerds of this town, and might as well say planet. I nodded and he threw one of his stuffed animals at me. I jumped in surprise when a plushie met my face.

"You're supposed to dodge it. If it hits you, then that means that you're the thrower. If I get hit, then It's my turn."

"That sounds boring, but okay!" He had a sweet smile on his face. I rolled onto the floor when many stuffed animals were being thrown at me. I yelped when he threw a larger one at me. He got me, and the large stuffed animal knocked me completely onto the floor.

"Oh, I didn't mean to throw it that hard! Are you okay?" I laughed and threw it back at him. He dodged it, unfortunately, and I threw more stuffed animals at him.

"Ahh!" I hit him with one and we continued to do this for 10 minutes before we were both laying on the floor lazily hitting one another with plushies.

"I'm" He stared at the ceiling and then averted his gaze to the window, which was open a little.

"Let's go play outside!"

"But it's late...we should be going to bed soon."

"It's not a super awesome sleepover if we don't look at the stars somehow."

I gasped at the word 'stars' and shot up. He did too, mainly jumping from my sudden excitement. He smiled and took my hand in his. Our alien-ish fingers found a way to be entangled and he stroked my thumb as we went outside. He laid down a blanket was already outside. We sat on the grass and looked up. The glimmering stars shined brightly and I found myself getting closer to my best friend. I felt a strong gust of wind blow cold air to me and I shivered. He noticed my pitiful shivers and wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer. I blushed and rested my head on his chest. He felt a familiar smile pull at his lips.

"I've been meaning to tell you something." Aron said with a face that could only be read as pure embarrassment.


He held me closer.

"My parents think may like you in a way..." I smiled.

"I like you in a way too." He bit his lip.

"N-No...I mean...they think... they think I have a cru-" I turned around and face him, then rested my forehead on his. I had a look of pure and honest happiness.

"I have a crush on you, too, Aron!" I cheerfully exclaimed. He blushed and that cheery smile returned to him. I smiled back and hugged him. He hugged back and placed a quick peck onto my lips. I grinned and blushed.

"Oh, thank the gods above..." I said.


"I've been waiting for you to say that you like me for... gosh... I don't even know how long." We kissed again, longer and sweeter this time.

"My parents were right then."

"They were right!"

562 words

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