Tracks x Human!Reader

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I just got two writing ideas. One for Tracks, one for Raoul. I think that's how you spell his name... both are mainly G1
⚠️S2 Ep25 spoilers. Well, a mix of that episode and my own idea⚠️

"Sirs, I promise I'll get you a car by midnight." I told my bosses. You see, I am a carjacker. I steal cars and sell them for a living. My bosses aren't the nicest people on Earth, and I don't want to disappoint them.
"You better have us a car or else." I nodded and walked out of the creepy alleyway and into the night. I went up and down the streets, finding no cars that could get me any luck. I went down the road to an abandoned street, thinking of finding nothing, but I found a sports car. Blue and red. I smirked and took out a small tool to unlock the door and sat on the smooth seat. It was as if someone would actually abandon such a nice car. Why? It was in good shape. I thought. I tried to start the car, but then noticed the beaten up hood. What caused this?! How?
"Oh, buddy... don't worry. I'll fix you up. Then I can finally sell you so I can leave this stupid city." I got out of the car and got under it, attempting to find any source of issues. But that's when something strange occurred.
"What are you doing?" I flinched and hit my head on the car, blacking out quickly.


"Hey, no time for resting. Wake up!" I opened my eyes and saw the same sports car I tried to fix.
"You... you can talk?!" I exclaimed.
"Yes, I can. Now, I've had a rough night, having almost being sold 3 times. Just fix me and I'll be gone." The car said.
"Sorry, no can do. I need to sell you so I can get out of this city." I popped up the hood and saw strange machines I've never seen in a normal car before.
"What the heck is all of this?" I saw a wire and moved my tool to cut it.
"No! No- don't! That my..power...-" the car's voice faded out and I frowned.
"Uh... you still there? I wonder what I did wrong... all I did what cut this cord and-" I moved the cord pieces together and the car powered back on.
"What was that, dude?" I asked.
"That wire is connected to my main computer. Without it I'm just a normal car." I nodded and felt myself get a little embarrassed.
"I didn't know, I'm sorry."
"That is alright."


After fixing the car, I left it there and walked back to my bosses. I was suddenly grabbed by my neck and held in the air.
"You told us you'd have us a car by midnight! It's 1 minute passed. You broke your promise!" Suddenly, the car I fixed drove up the the alleyway, then transformed into a robot.
"Let her go!" The robot said. My bosses looked terrified and threw me at the bot. Before I hit the ground, the robot caught me with a servo.
"Are you okay?" I nodded, gasping for breath as I settled in his massive hand.
"Good. Let's get away from these creeps." He transformed back into the sports car I knew first and drove off with me in the passenger seat. The seatbelt was rather tight around me, but I didn't care at this point.
"I'm Tracks by the way." I smiled at the car.
"I am Y/n."
"Y/n.." he tried out the name.
I gasped when Tracks was suddenly not on the road, but in the sky.
"Man, you're flying!" Tracks chuckled at my excitement.


Tracks landed and I saw two people that looked all too familiar. I never knew their names, but they always gave me trouble when trying to do my job.
"Well if it isn't our little car snatcher. Let's go get her!" They tried to attack me, but before they could even lay a finger on me, Tracks drove off.
"You know those half witted goons?" I sighed.
"Yeah, sort of. They always think I'm stealing their car for their own carjacking business or something."
"That sounds awful." I sighed again and and rested my head on the dashboard, then smiled a little when I felt the seatbelt tighten around me.
"Do you have a place to stay?" I nodded at his question.
"Yeah, just down the street from here. Hey, uh, Tracks? Do you smell smoke?" I asked.
"I do. I'm sure it is from the little bonfires made for warmth on the sides of the streets."
"Yeah, probably."
Tracks went down the street and I gasped at the sight.
My house was burning. I saw the my bosses run away from the scene and I stared in horror.
"My... my house!" I yelled. I got out and realized the fire must have been new, so I rushed inside to save anything valuable to me. Tracks tried to yell at me to stop, but nothing worked. Soon, I was inside and saw the fire was worse than expected.
In no time, I was surrounded by walls of flames and I couldn't breathe well or escape.
"T...t-" I kept coughing and choking on smoke, trying my best to yell for my new hero.
It took me 5 tries before screaming for him, but I had a feeling my screams were drowned out by the roar of the fire. Tracks became worried and decided to make a bold move, smashing open the side of my house and seeing I was indeed in danger. I was on the verge of passing out when I felt him pick my up by my waist and pull me to safety. I was held close to his chassis and coughed harshly. I couldn't remember anything else that happened.


I found myself in a very golden colored room on a very hard surface. I looked around and saw Tracks with two other bots of his species.
"As I said, her damages aren't severe." One of the bots told Tracks.
"She should be able to take down a whole army of Decepticons by tomorrow." The other bot spoke.
"T-..Tracks..." I stuttered weakly. Tracks went closer to me and smiled.
"Are you okay? That was pretty foolish of you to do! I could have lost you." I frowned.
"I know,...I'm sorry." Tracks gently picked me up and hugged me.
"This is Ratchet and Wheeljack, the Autobot medics."
"Hello, Y/n. It's nice to finally see you up. You were out for a few hours, and I just had enough of Tracks asking 'is she going to make it'." Ratchet said with a nice smile. I smiled and looked at Tracks, who had a small, blue blush on his cheeks.
"Yeah, I thought at some point I would have to tranquilize him." Wheeljack joked,... I think?
"Well I'm glad you dudes took care of me. What happened to my bosses?" I questioned the three.
"Prowl, a police Autobot, took care of them."
I made a small 'ohh' noise.
"You're free to go at anytime, if you have any questions or new symptoms, just say so."
I nodded and crawled up to Tracks's shoulder plate and held on tight.
Tracks walked out of the medbay and into the main room. There was a strange computer and I saw about 3 new bots. One was taller than all of them.
"I am Optimus Prime. This is Bumblebee, and that is Perceptor. We are glad you recovered well." The tall one said.
"Quite! I could only imagine how much smoke can hurt a human being." I chuckled at the British accent from Perceptor.
"It was really painful, so you dudes are Autobots? I've heard about the war between Autobots and Decepticons." Tracks held me closer.
"You are correct. If you are willing, you can join us anytime." I grinned.
"Really? I'd love to!"
Optimus smiled and Tracks left to go to a large room.
"Where are we now?" I asked my blue and red friend.
"My room. You can rest in here, I really do not mind. Just don't get into any trouble that may end in me getting dents and scratches." I playfully put my nail on his chassis and scratched down, but didn't leave a mark. He let out a laugh, but quieted down fast.
"I'm serious." I chuckled and laid down, having him lay next to me. He held me close and protectively.
"Hey Tracks.." I faced him.
"Ye-mm-?" I pressed my lips onto his larger ones but pulled back fast.
"That was a thank you. For everything." He smiled and pecked my head.
"I'm just doing my job."
1470 words

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