Barricade x Reader

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~it's my birthday~

Barricade let out a grunt as he hit an Autobot vehicle head-on. I gasped in pain.
"Couldn't you be more careful?" I asked.
"Couldn't you be more quiet?" I grumbled at his reply and sat back.
The Autobot vehicle, Bumblebee, groaned and transformed into his bot mode.
"Do you really treat your girlfriend like that, 'Cade?" I heard Bumblebee say.
"Girlfriend? She's a mere pet. Like those humans of yours... what was their names? Ladiesman217 and Charlie? Wasn't there also a Spike?" Bumblebee grew silent and more agitated. I could tell he was holding back from lashing out.
"Barricade, stop. You're going to get yourself in trouble," I whispered, "just walk away."
"And ignore Megatron's orders? No."
Bumblebee's stern facial expression soon turned into curiosity.
"If she's your pet, why'd you bring her with you? Isn't that dangerous?"
Barricade froze, but quickly unfroze and blasted Bumblebee, but missed.
"She's..- that's.. not your problem!" I tilted my head at Barricade's reply.
"I brought her so she can be in danger and hopefully die." Something about the venom in his voice made my heart shatter.
'Hopefully die'
I saw my surroundings blur as I teared up. I quickly opened the door of the police Mustang and ran off. Barricade glanced at me and grumbled.
"Great. Now I have to fetch my pet."


I was in Barricade's chambers at the base, sobbing on the small bed Barricade once made me.
His words echoed nonstop in my mind.
He opened the door and saw me.
"What are you doing? You just made me fail a mission!" He yelled.
"I'm sorry, maybe you should just shoot me if you really want me dead!" I thought I saw Barricade flinch.
He went into his holoform. He only got the form for me because he wanted to feel closer.
"That was not true... I lied to be-"
"-A jerk? Make me feel worthless? To be the bigger enemy? Well it worked." He sighed and gently sat on my bed.
"Listen... I didn't mean for it to come out like that. Do you know why I kept you? Do you know your entire story?"
I looked at him with a confused expression, then he started to tell me my story.
"I was out on patrol and it was late at night. I heard something that sounded like a toddler crying and drove up to an alleyway where it was coming from. That's when I found a toddler being beaten by some thugs. I do not know why I felt the need to protect the toddler, but I quickly took the thugs out and brought the toddler to the base. Megatron allowed me to keep her, and the toddler told me eventually that her name was Y/n. Ever since that day, I've never stopped wanting to protect you. And even love you. You were the first human to ever accept me."
I froze at his words and felt tears drip down my cheeks. He gently wiped them away and smiled.
"So I am not your pet?"
He chuckled softly.
"No. You're my best friend."
"Then why do you treat me like scrap?"
He frowned.
"It's Decepticon instinct. I'm sorry." He tensed when my arms wrapped around him. He hugged back and nuzzled.
"Could we be more than best friends?" He blushed at my question.
"I would love that..." he smiled and gently pecked me. I grinned and laid him down, cuddling as close as possible. Eventually, we both fell asleep in each other's arms.


Of course, Soundwave was watching from Laserbeak's point of view, and let's just say the cute communication officer was more than happy about the new couple.
618 words:)

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