Rumble x Cassette!Reader x Frenzy

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I sat with the boys and decided to lay on my back. Today was super tiring! Soundwave must have used us at least five times today. Frenzy laid beside me and then Rumble laid down. Looking up at the pink sky, we all stared tiredly. Dang, it's not even morning and Soundwave has used us that much today? Ugh.
"I'm so tired..." I mumbled and found myself in the clasp of Frenzy. Rumble bit his lip and wrapped his arms around my waist and moved himself right to me. Frenzy snuggled close as did Rumble.
"I just need a break..." I mumbled.
"Yeah, Sounders has been verrrrry energetic with us. I'm sick of it. I just want to be back to us hardly doing any work." Rumble said. Frenzy nodded and kissed my forehead. Blushing, I looked towards Rumble who looked left out. He cupped my cheeks in his servos and kissed me. Embarrassingly enough, the way we were laying was almost perfectly on top of one another. Frenzy kissed my cheek and neck. I hummed in surprise and blushed darker.
"B-boys...?" They stopped and switched positions, this time my dermas met with Frenzy's. Rumble started kissing my neck and gently biting the hidden wires. I held back a soft moan and kissed Frenzy back, wrapping my arms around his neck. He made a sound of surprise when he was suddenly pulled closer. After about 3 minutes of this going on, we all stopped.
"Did that make you happy?" The boys asked. I still had the blue hue over my cheeks.
"Ye-Yes... it did..." they smirked and laid me down. They cuddled into me and kissed my neck, both biting at their own force. Frenzy; soft. Rumble; hard. A surge of emotions welled up in me. I moaned softly and they shared the blush I had. They started to bite and lick my jawline and rumble went down to my collarbone. Frenzy took the chance to connect our dermas and lick them with his glossa. I closed my eyes and smiled. Soon it was over.
"" I said softly. They chuckled and hugged me, snuggling into me.
"We love you. And want you to be happy!" The blue and red mechs said.

381 words
I wanna write something else which is why it's so short haha

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