Injured!Soundwave x Reader

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Sorry I haven't been updating as often as I normally do, my aunt recently died and it is effecting me more than I thought. Scary thing is, my grandpa has the same cancer my aunt died from... so he's in the hospital and I'm going to visit him today. (In a dinosaur onesie.)

He grunted as he pushed the glass table further into the Decepticon base. I couldn't do it myself, so I asked my friend. He let out a weird sound as the glass table leg broke and the glass fell on him. Impaling him, he tried to hide his pain.

"You okay? That looked like it hurt." He nodded a little. Boy, he was glad I couldn't see his face. He was wincing and his optics watered, threatening to let it be known that he was crying.

"Should...should I go get Knocky?"

"N-negative.." This concerned me more.

"You just STUTTERED. You never-...that's it, I'm getting Knocky." I started walking, but was grabbed by Sounds.

"I said negative." He repeated. He blushed as his face was near mine.

"I...Okay...I'm concerned about you, though." He let out a soft, robotic sigh.

"I am okay. I just hurt myself. I should be able to take care of it by myself." I frowned and had a soft smile on my lips.

"May I see?"

"...A-..Affirmative..." He showed my the cuts and energon leaked from them at a fast rate.

"You need to get that patched up ASAP." I told him. He stumbled and put a hand to the wall to stop himself from falling.


"I..." He fell.

"You need to go to Knockout! NOW."


"Y/n to KO, we need medical attention now!" I radioed to KO.

"Right away, gorgeous." He replied back. I rolled my eyes and then I saw just how deep the wounds were.

"What even happened?!"

"" He took a sharp breath before speaking again, "struck a vital...wire..."

I frowned and tapped my servos nervously, waiting for KO.

"Come on, Knockout...hurry up..hurry up..." Soundwave had passed out from energon loss, and I was over him, trying to not cry.


Knockout came running with a medical kit. He saw Soundwave passed out and bit his lip in worry.
"What in the name of Megatron happened?!"
"Glass, hurry! Heal him!" I explained briefly. He nodded and started to heal him. Soundwave shifted multiple times.
"Shhh... you're okay..." I whispered to the blue bot.
Soundwave shifted and moved his mask down. His face held guilt and worry. Two expressions you're lucky to see, or hear(?) within this bot. He felt KO slowly heal him, a soothing feeling but also a tinge of pain. He grabbed my hand, surprising me and waking me up from my thoughts. He had a soft smile on his lips, mimicking mine from earlier.
"I will be okay." He said. His voice sounded clearer, but still had the vocoder effect.
"You will be okay." He let the smile spread more as it slowly turned into a grin. He had scars and bent metal on his lips.
"You know, you should take your mask off more often." He blushed and looked away.
"I dislike having it off often." I didn't realize that KO finished and left us alone. Soundwave brought me close to him.
"I feel uncomfortable with it off. I feel insecure." I smiled and laughed.
"I feel insecure 24/7!" He smiled and brought me in for a sweet kiss.
"You should not feel like that. You are beautiful."
"You are too, well, handsome? Gorgeous... hot... sexy... ugh..." I blushed and looked away.
"I agree with you."

This was bad 😂
621 words

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