Sick!Soundwave x Reader

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Art by me :)

He was feeling... odd. He had just gone on a mission through an active volcano full of poisoned spiders. Mechanical poisoned spiders. He swear he didn't get infected, but the way he was feeling said otherwise.
"Sounds?" I asked for the fifth time. He held his head. He was sitting down and clutched his aching head.
"You can't be sick! You're never sick." His equilibrium centers were maligned a sensation some humans may call 'dizziness'. He was leaning on his side, his arm supporting him. He laid on his side. He made a strange noise, it sounded like a cough. He took off his mask and there was a weird purple goo streaming from his mouth. I could see oily tears streaming from his visor.
"What happened?!" I gasped. He groaned a monotone groan. He laid down and scratched at his neck.
"Spiders." He groaned. I brought multiple scanners and machines to him and he shook his head.
"F-Fact... I..I.." he didn't finish. He was too weak.
"When was the last time you used energon?" He held up two fingers.
"Two hours? Days? /Weeks/!?" He shook he head.
"H-..hours..." he mumbled. He coughed more purple stuff and something weird came from the goo. A spider. A mechanic spider.
"Oh my Primus..." I muttered. "You just coughed up a-stay calm... stay calm..." I told myself. Soundwave closed his eyes, or... what I thought. I couldn't tell. His sparkbeat monitor read that he was calm, sleeping. His chest rose slowly. Then fell. It was peaceful. His fans whirred softly. Every now and then little coughs escaped his lip plates. This will be a good time to do tests.
I gently pressed my hands to his cheeks, feeling if he was heating up or not. He felt warm. I checked the monitor and saw it was above average. I got a can of coolant spray and opened the latch to his chest. I nearly screamed when I saw hundreds of spiders inside him. That could do it.
"Hey, Knockout?" I got his attention.
"Yes, cutie?" I glared. I pointed to Soundwave's chest. Knockout put a hand over his mouth as he walked over and saw the disaster.
"What in Primus..." he got a bunch of baskets and a scooper tool. He handed me the tool and I scraped the spiders out of Soundwave. They screeched and shot poison at me, but I didn't care. I needed Soundwave to be okay. Knockout stared in disgust. I got all the spiders from his chest and trapped them in a basket, then pressed a button and the spiders were dead within seconds. I closed Soundwave's chest plate, and saw he was uncomfortable. He was turning every second. Trying to find a comfortable position. I smiled and picked him up, going to his berth room. I set him down and he opened his eyes.
"Hey, how you feeling?" I asked. He cleared his throat. A smile appearing on his lip plates.
"Better. Fact: you are a good medic." I blushed.
"Well, you can thank Knockout as well." He cocked his head.
"What was wrong?" He asked.
"Spider infestation. A virus." He tensed up.
"But you're safe now!" He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him, surprising me.
"Thanks to you." He said. I smiled and snuggled into him.
"This must be a side effect from the medicine..." I thought to myself. He held me close, my head resting on his chest plate. He pressed a quick kiss to my head and laid down with me on him.
"You should get some sleep! It's not healthy to avoid it when you're sick."
"Only if you stay." He replied. I blushed.
"I will stay." He snuggled me like a stuffed animal. I snuggled back, sighing in content.
At least he's better. ❤️
DAWWWW. I actually got half of this idea from my dad so thanks to him.biosculptcreative :)
657 words

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