Medix x Reader

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!!WARNING!! Season 2 spoilers!!

Also, poor art by me. I had a lot of layering issues...

hhh i have an idea but i cant type... ok ok so in this oneshot Hotshot won't have a multi-cog or else the idea wont work

I smiled at the others as they grinned at their brand new, not yet tested multi-cogs. I was the only one that had a multi-cog given to me personally. 

Suddenly, our excitement was broken by loud alarms going off.

"A mission? Now?" Hoist asked. 

"I guess. Let's go see what Heatwave has planned for us." I replied and ran out, the other recruits following me.


Once Heatwave told us what happened, we headed towards the 'excitement'. 

Malfunctioning helipacks. 

Whirl smiled, "This should be easy, I can just fly up there and- oohf!" She jumped to transform, but to her surprise, and the others', she did not transform. 

"Why can't I..?!" The others attempted to transform as well, but no one transformed. Fearing the worst, I went behind a tree and commed Ratchet.

"Professor Ratchet, um... so... my friends and I decided to test out the multi-cogs...--" I jolted when I heard my prof yell in anger on the comm line. "I-It wasn't their faults, it was mine...N-No, Hotshot wasn't part of the friends can't transform..." I gasped at Ratchet's explanation as to why, then frowned at his solution. Either they don't transform, or I give the rest of the energy in my multi-cog to them and I can't transform forever.


After the mission was completed, and I gave the rest of my multi-cog energy to my friends, I walked to a pond and threw small stones into the water, letting them sink. I flinched when someone sat next to me. To my surprise, it was Medix.

"Where are the others?" I asked him. 

"They decided to head back while I check for injuries. No one was injured, thankfully. The real question is: where did you go?" I frowned and felt tears well up in my optics. Medix frowned.

"W-Well... after I gave the rest of my energy away...I-... took in the realization that I will never be able to go on missions or transform ever again..." Medix's optics widened.

"Ever?" I nodded. He wrapped his arms around me comfortingly.

"I'm sure Hoist or Uncle Ratchet can do something to fix this," Medix reassured. I frowned and shook my helm.

"No,... Ratchet told me once I gave it away, it's gone.." Medix pulled back and gently wiped a tear off my cheek. My cheeks flushed at the gesture and he blushed slightly.

"I promise that you will be able to transform again. And, go on missions. We're a team, we're not leaving you behind." I felt my cheeks flush more once I realized that he got closer to me.

"Th..Thank you, Medix.." He smiled and I gently leaned in. He understood my intentions and leaned in as well, soon our dermas met. It was a soft yet meaningful kiss. He hugged me and I hugged back.

"I promise to never leave you behind." Medix told me. I smiled and kissed him again, earning a small squeak of surprise, but eventually he kissed back. This time, a bit more passionate than the last time.


514 words

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