Human!Shockwave x Reader

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I coughed and held my head. What was in that energon?
"Uhhh... Megatron?" I whispered to my leader and then found myself growing dizzy fast. I stumbled and fell.

"Y/n? Are you awake?" I opened my eyes just to close them again. A bright light was above me, offending my sensitive eyes.
"S-Shockwave? Is that you? I can't open my's too bright..." he dimmed the light.
"Now try."
I opened them and saw the room spinning.
"Where am I? Why is everything spinning?" Shockwave tilted his head.
"You're in my laboratory. You are experiencing high voltage levels," I felt a warm sensation building up inside of me. I suddenly started shaking and little jolts of electricity sparked from my joints. I yelped and winced. The sensation went away fast as Shockwave places icepacks onto my joints.
"Thank you... oh, thank you for ending my misery..." he got closer to me and picked me up bridal style.
"I will have to do more tests on you. Do not fear these, I will not hurt you or kill you." I nodded and felt my control slipping away.
"You're kinda cute." I giggled. He turned around to face me.
"You are feeling the energy from the jolts. You are not yourself." I pulled him to me and hugged him. He tensed up, knowing I wasn't myself, but couldn't help but hug back. He felt I might need it.
"Please, sit still." He asked me in a way.
"Whatever you say, cutie." He kept freezing every time I called him that. He attached little sensors on my soft skin, then looked at my readings.
"Your joints are tense, and the little- mmmh..." I placed my lips on his for a second.
"...jolts are..." he couldn't finish. He just stared at me. Anger, surprise, I wasn't sure.
"You liked that, I know it!" I smirked. He shook his head, his hair gently waving with the movement.
"It would be illogical for me to say no."
"I knew you liked it!" I felt dizzy and fell onto my back.
"Shocky..." I grumbled. He blushed and continued his tests.
An hour later, I woke up. Must've fallen asleep.
"Are you feeling better?" Shockwave asked.
"I am... I'm sorry about...well, that." He let out a chuckle. A beautiful sound.
"Oh, it was logical for you to act the way you did. You were under a painful sensation that could have driven you mad. But I do not accept your apology if you're talking about the kiss." I tilted my head and then felt a red blush dust my face.
"I kissed you?! I'm so sorry- I-" I was cut off by soft lips connecting to mine. I relaxed. It felt so right. He got closer to me, getting onto the table with me.
"It was illogical for you to apologize." I blushed and kissed him. He deepened the kiss, straddling me. I gasp at this, then pull back.
"S-Shockwave...!" I said. He smirked. He wasn't acting like himself.
"You.. you wouldn't say that the thing I had is contagious, right?" He gently kissed my neck.
"Oh, come on, you know you are enjoying this." I slapped him.
"SNAP OUT OF IT!" He looked stunned. He cleared his throat, then took a deep breath.
"I apologize... I don't know what.. I don't know what came over me..." I felt bad. I brought him in for a hug and laid him down. I laid on his chest and played with his hair.
"It's okay... I forgive you. I still care about you..." he closed his eye.
"Thank you. I care strongly." He replied tiredly.
"I love you..." he pecked my lips delicately.
"I love you too."

624 words

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