Starscream x Anxious!High Schooler!Reader [Part 2]

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Art by me

The next day, I woke up from Starscream rolling on top of me. I had remembered he had fallen asleep next to me last night when comforting me.
"Time to wake up, Y/n!" He said. I groaned and hid my face in my pillow. He chuckled and pulled me up. The feel of cold metal made me shiver.
"N-no!!" I playfully said and started to struggle in his arms.
"I am coming with you, remember?" I stopped struggling and my eyes glimmered in excitement. How could I have forgotten?
I fell out of him arms and somehow didn't break a leg. I ran to the bathroom to get ready and he changed to his holoform. He walked to his chambers and stripped himself of his pajamas, looking at his strong form. He got dressed and walked out with a brush in his hand.
"You ready to go yet, flesh bag?" I nodded as I nibbled on a Poptart. We both went outside and he changed into his jet form. I've always had a strange attraction to his alt mode. It was different. I mean, same model as Skywarp and Thundercracker, but it had something unique about it. I dragged my fingers gently across his form and he trembled a bit.
"Get in or else we'll be late."
"We can be late as we want, as long as the office gives us a pass-"
"Get. In." He warned. I got in and he had a tight grip around me when I tightened my seatbelt. He sighed and took off. I set my bag on the floor and finished my breakfast and enjoyed the nice view. Like yesterday, I saw Francis walking to school, his t shirt folding uncomfortably up, his underwear half showing, his laces untied. This was a case of a cliche bully.
"Don't worry, Y/n, I'll make sure he doesn't hurt you." I blushed as the loose grip of the seatbelt seemed to tighten, mainly around my waist.
"Are you hugging me from behind?" I then stopped to think of my confusing question.
"Yes, do you have an issue with this?" I shook my head, but knew the question was rhetorical. His grip was gentle and comforting.
"I like it. I leaned back in the seat and closed my eyes. He suddenly shook himself, making me wobble inside. I yelped.
"Don't sleep now! We're almost there."
"I'm not sleeping!" He landed and everyone awed at the sight of me exiting the jet.
"Wowww! She must be really rich!"
"I wonder what her parents do for a living?"
"That is a cool jet!"
I laughed nervously at the people and waited until everyone was inside. Starscream changed to his holoform and I smiled at his attractive new form.
"Dang, I like it... the school clothes, the hair... dang dude." He smiled and took my hand. We walked inside and was about to go to my locker when a familiar bully stopped us.
"Hey, loser! I bet you're a spoiled brat. That's why you have your own jet." I frowned.
"Hey, you must be the 'Francis' flesh bag my Y/n has been telling me about. How about you shove off, you little-"
"Oh, I'll shove off..." he shoved me to the ground and Starscream growled.
"That was the biggest mistake of your short life." Francis was about to fight Screamer, but Starscream punched him in the nose, most likely breaking it. Francis teared up a bit but only took this as an advantage. He grabbed my wrists and was about to shove me in a locker, but Starscream kicked him and he let go. I fell and hit my knee. Francis yelped and ran off. I saw my now purple and blue knee and Starscream helped me up.
"Are you okay?" He actually sounded genuinely concerned.
"I hurt my knee, but I'm okay... are you okay?" He nodded and pulled me close.


It was 3rd hour, well, ending of, and it was approximately 3 minutes until lunch. I heard the bell ring and I ran with Starscream to the cafeteria. We got our food and Starscream made a grossed out look.
"You actually eat this slop?"
"It tastes better than it looks. Try it!" He carefully tried the chicken Alfredo and a satisfied blush appeared on his cheeks.
"This is good! Fit for a king."
"Fit for a student." He scoffed.
"Whatever." We ate in silence and when we finished we went straight to our- well, my next class. I'm actually really surprised the teachers didn't ask why their was some new,  hot,  random kid sitting next to me. I mainly answered the questions my teacher asked, such as...
"What's the box in a triangle called?" Square.
"What does it equal to?"
"What does a triangle equal to?"
Screamer was shocked I knew all of this useless knowledge. But, eh, it's always good to know something just in case.
"Good job, Y/n." My teacher said. I smiled.
"Class dismissed."


After school, I walked Screamer to a hidden area behind the school and he changed into his jet form. I got in and the seatbelt loosely hung around me.
"You've been quiet today, you okay?" Screamer replied with a simple and dull "yes".
"Is it Francis?" Before I knew it, the jet shook and I saw Francis hitting Starscream with a metal rod. I screamed and Starscream transformed into his robot self. Francis gasped and fell onto his big butt.
"W-what are you?!" I smirked and stood next to Screamer.
"Lord Starscream." He smirked and shot the evil kid. Well, not to death, in the leg. He then limped to his mommy. No one would believe him unless they saw Starscream themselves. He'll be the school's clown for a month!
"Thank you, Screamer... oooh. Those are some pretty bad dents... let's get you home." He shook his head and changed back to his holoform.
"Not yet, flesh bag." He presses his plump lips onto mine and smiled. I kissed back.
"Now let's go." I giggled and he transformed into his jet and we flew off back to the base.
School is not for Screamer, by the way. All he did was lean back in his seat with his feet on the table and chew some gum I gave him and blow bubbles until the teacher told him to stop. Then I gave him a hat and he flipped it backwards. He's a winner, guys. He's a winner.

1087 words yay

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