Autobots Scenarios!

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I feel like I haven't updated a oneshot in years :( sorry about that! To make up for the lost time, these are all mini-oneshots

The bots x human Y/n :D

⭐Optimus Prime⭐

Optimus walked around the puddle-filled city, his red and blue metallic skin glimmering in the rain. He was looking for me. I recently left to go get some groceries at the nearest store, when two punks came and stole my food and shoved me into a surprisingly deep puddle of thick, brown mud. My s/c skin had splotches of dirty mud, as did my hair. Optimus found me and picked me up, then brought me back to the base after I told him what had happened.
He brought me to the bathroom and gently took my clothing off, then started to clean the mud from my body, which by now, has turned into a crispy, hard muck. He was very kind and gentle when washing me, and knew not to wash areas I did not want him to wash, such as more private areas, which I cleaned myself.
"You always clean me, so this time, I am returning the kind gesture." He explained while scrubbing my back with my body sponge. The smell of b/w/s (body wash soap) filled the air and I smiled.
"Thanks, prime."
"It is no problem."


Bumblebee laughed, happy to have his voice back after Ratchet had fixed it. He was baking with me, currently! I was teaching him how to make human desserts.
"No, no! That's too much flour! Now the dough will be too flour-y." I mentioned.
"Sorry, I guess I can't translate human measurements. I thought they were the same as cybertronian measurements." He replied.
"Maybe we can even it out with water?" He thought for a second and went to the sink, carrying a bowl.
"N-not that much, here..." I grabbed a measuring cup and handed it to him.
"Oh, thank you." He turned the faucet on and filled the cup. He began to carefully turn around to the flour dough, but he slipped on a puddle and spilled the water.
"Bee! Are you okay?" The thump of the robot alien falling made the flour in the cupboard fall on top of Bumblebee, causing a huge puff of white surround him.
"Uh..heh, yeah. Maybe we should just stick to you reading the directions, next time?" He chuckled nervously.
"That's a good idea."


Ratchet patted the shoulder of Ironhide, who was just fixed up from a mission that ended him with a twisted wrist.
Ratchet kept glancing at me. I was limping, but for no reason that was obvious. I was not on the mission as Ironhide. After a while of watching, Ratchet let out a sigh.
"Why are you walking like that?"
I tensed.
"No reason!" I exclaimed quite loudly.
Ratchet gave an annoyed groan and picked me up, setting me on the examination table.
"You fractured your femur." He began to wrap my leg up, then gave my a crutch.
"What in the world of Cybertron did you do, this time?" I gulped and looked away.
"O-oh, hey! Looks like Bee got a new paint job!" Ratchet growled at my attempt to change the subject on him.
"Okay, you caught me. I was trying to steal the suckers you have on the top of the counter."
Ratchet froze, then scoffed.
"You are lucky I tolerate you."

"Stop that!"
"Y/n, stop!"
"Don't do that!"
Every day I would hear him yelling at me for taking something that isn't mine.
"Prowllllllll!" I groaned.
Prowl held my hand and we walked through the store, grabbing things we either want or need.
I smiled and hugged his digit.
I giggled at his response as we checked things out, then left.
The alarms went off.
"Y/n!" Prowl growled.
"I didn't take anything! I promise!"
Soon, Prowl figured out I did steal something.
"You're grounded."


"You always read those dumb science books!"
"You read a lot of fictional books."
"Just put the book down!"
Perceptor did so, then glared.
"This is pointless!"
Perceptor growled and kissed me.
I kissed back.
"I read that is a good way to make people you love shut up."

I spent an hour and a half on this
730 words :)

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