Ratchet x Depressed!Reader ⭐️REQUESTED⭐️

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Requested by the awesome~ StarGazerMoon15

(If I tend to mess up request people, I apologize)


Sighing, I leaned on my table. I buried my blue face and sobbed.

I didn't know why I was acting so emotional lately. I cried as silently as I could, but jumped when I felt a servo touch my shoulder.

"Are you alright, Y/n?" 

It was Ratchet.

"G-Go away..." Ratchet sighed deeply and picked me up. He brought me to my bed and sat me down.

"Tell me what's going on?"

"Nothing, Ratch. I know why you're here...for my appointment."

Ratchet nodded and got out his Little Box of Doctor Supplies™. He checked my spark pressure, then grabbed a wooden Popsicle-like stick. 

"Please, open your mouth..." I opened my mouth and blushed a little when Ratchet shifted closer to me. He shined a bright flashlight into my intake and nodded a little.

It seemed like hours before Ratchet finally allowed me to close my mouth.

"You seem very healthy, but why must you cry so much?" I bit my soft derma and shrugged.

"I don't know. I've been feeling happy, then extremely sad for now reason."

"That sounds like bipolar depression..." I nodded.

"I...I've had it for a while.." 

Ratchet looked shocked and a bit angry.

"You've known this and you didn't tell me?!"

I felt myself tear up and Ratchet noticed. He cupped my cheek and wiped away the tear, bringing me close and allowing me to sit on his lap.

"I shouldn't have gotten upset.." I nodded and leaned on his chest, hearing his fans become quite boisterous. He thought twice before leaning me back on my bed.


Ratchet shushed me quietly and stroked my cheek with his thumb.

"Relax,.. It will be alright. Please, Y/n... if you ever start feeling like this again,.. at least tell me." I nodded against his chest and he held me close.

"Thanks..."  The medic nodded and I felt him relax. I relaxed as well, closing my optics. I ended up falling asleep in his arms, cuddled up close.



352 words :D

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