Megatron x Reader

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I'm sick so enjoy the update :,)


Megatron kept staring at me throughout the day, gazing at my curvy form, fantasizing over me. After work, I decided to head to his chambers to talk and hang out with the Decepticon leader.
"Why have you been staring at m-" I saw him stare at me with sudden lust and need.
"Um,... M'lord?" He growled softly and started to approach me slowly.
"S-Sir?" I felt my faceplate heat up when my back hit the wall. He was inches away from me, his servos holding me against the wall.
"I have been staring at you because I wish to claim you as mine and mine alone." His tone was very seductive.
" But... I'm just a seeker/grounder..." he started to softly nibble on my neck, making me blush.
"Oh, you're much more than that.~" I swallowed hard and nodded slightly.
"A-alright, sir..." he growled in my audial.
"Call me Megatron, when we are like this," I nodded and felt him bite my neck, licking and kissing the metal skin. I bit my derma gently and moved him closer. He picked me up and moved me to his berth, gently laying me down while he straddled me. His dermas met mine, feeling he gently graze against my soft dermas. I moaned out ever so slightly, then felt his glossa slip into my intake. He grunted in slight pleasure, then began to grind against my pelvic plating, making me whimper in desperation.
"M-Megatron.." I moaned softly. He growled and rammed his glossa against mine. I moaned and began to play with certain details on his helm and shoulders, making him groan.
"Y/n..~" I blushed more and panted ever so slightly.
But that's when everything went down.
Ravage held me down, licking my face.
"Ah-What?!" I snapped out of my little daydream and pushed Ravage off.
"You were moaning and whimpering... I asked if you were alright?" I looked at Rumble and frowned.
"Y-yeah, yeah, I'm fine... I just need to um... speak to Lord Megatron about something."


His glossa slipped across my neck, trailing down my form as I gripped his berth. He kept grinding against my pelvic plating, making me moan and arch my back slightly.

"Y/N!" I yelped and saw Megatron's red optics. He looked concerned.
"What is wrong with you today?" He growled out.
"I-I um... I keep... thinking about you... in certain ways." His optics widened and he bit his derma.
"What kind of ways?"
"... making out..." I squeaked out, making my face burn from embarrassment.
"I can arrange that..." I blushed more and he kissed me, recreating my steamy daydreams all over again. But this time, the pleasure was even better than I fantasized.
"You're mine and mine alone." He growled.
"Y-Yes, Megatron."
Wow. Ok. That veered off the train tracks fast.
I'm sick.
How are you.
Good for you being healthy. I'm not jealous. Who said anything about being jealous.
Anyway. Hi.
514 words

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