Barricade x Reader

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This is actually a chapter in my Barricade x reader story!

Context: Y/n was kidnapped and almost tested on because she has metal implants, but Bumblebee saved her, which Barricade didn't like.

I sat on my bed, legs held close to my chest, staring blankly into the large space of nothing. I gently rocked forward and backwards, trying to keep my thoughts steady.

The bright light.


"You're not completely human..."



Blood... so, so much blood...


Bright flashes.

Hammering bangs that rattle my body...

The hammering bangs that mimic my headache...

"Y/n! Primus, I've been trying to get your attention for- What are you doing?" I screamed when I was snapped out of my post-traumatic stress thoughts, then my gaze snapped at Barricade, who was standing in the doorway.

"H-huh?" The shaking of my words brought slight uncertainty to his expression.

"Are you okay? I'm asking as your partner. Only as your partner. The DPF need the best of us, not the... whatever you're doing." Barricade explained. I shook, making the bed under me tremble like there was a shifting fault line. He sighed and rolled his optics in annoyance.

"Cadet L/n! I am speaking to you!" He yelled. After I didn't reply, he just left, too frustrated to speak to me further.


About an hour after Barricade left for his city duties, I found myself drifting off.




Blood... bright blue blood... energon...

Coughing... coughing...

Red blood.

"...Not human."

My gaze fell onto my wrist, my finger ready to press the button to send a signal to the Decepticon base. But I found my watch was not there, but I pressed where the button would be, anyway.

"Just wait until you're caught!" I yelled.

"Oh, please. You're so... so unknowing of your whereabouts and your belongings." I felt my heartbeat stutter a beat as a long knife was stabbed into my chest, puncturing my heart. Bright, red blood trickled from my chest and spurted out.






I screamed as I felt a hand shake me awake. I opened my eyes and saw Barricade looking concerned.

"You were yelling about blood! You can't tell me that you aren't fine! So, tell me what is happening with you!" I shakily inhaled and faced Barricade's cybertronian face.

"It's about the attack. It's giving me some kind of PTSD, I can't stop it! I-I'm scared, I can't sleep, I can't even think straight, anymore! All I see is blood, blood, blood, blood, blood!" I screamed. Barricade grabbed my shoulders and shifted into his holoform. He stared at me.

"I get that you were kidnapped, but get over it. You're a Decepticon." I growled and ended up turning the growls into squeaky sobs. He looked at the closed door before hugging me.

"Come on, Y/n, get a grip. You were stopped by the police and didn't freak out, why freak out n-"

"-Because I wasn't strapped to some weird thing and threatened by some FBI wannabes when that happened! You wouldn't understand, you're just a selfish jerk!"
I got up and opened the door, slamming it hard. The loud slam echoed through the base hallways as I ran to the exit, but I was stopped.
"Hey, Y/n! Haven't seen you around much, everything alright?" The green seeker smiled at me.

"Not now, Acid Storm, please, I need to be alone." Acid Storm frowned and nodded, moving away from the door as I made my way through.


I sat onto the edge of some rocky cliff that held five waterfalls that had water cascading 50 feet down to a stream. I just watched the scenery move naturally, taking my time to relax and take deep breaths. I watched as two or three birds chirped and squawked as they glided down the misty wall the waterfalls created. A forest of trees and vines met the east and west of me, then saw some more to the north on the other side of the cliff, about 35 feet tall, shorter compared to the cliff I sat upon. I heard the faint rustling of squirrels and chipmunks messing around in leaves and the yowls and yips of foxes that scampered around, playing with their siblings, as there were a few dens nearby where I perched. The sun sat at 0° on my horizon with inclination, the reddish-orange hue on the sky glowed and had a red cast brought into my face. The peaceful area around me was interrupted when I heard rustles of leaves. My attention shot at the blue police Decepticon, who gently sat next to me on the cliff, looking out towards the open. Some of the mist had already found his metal skin, resting on it and slowly making him damp.

"You doing alright?" His words cut through the peaceful silence, but seemed to only add to the peace more.

"Y-yeah, I'm doing better. I'm sorry for yelling at you." He inches closer, then the echoes of metal on metal met my ears and felt his soft lips meet my cheek.

"I care about you, Y/n, a lot." I looked into his red eyes.

"You don't act like it, sometimes."

"Yeah, well, I don't like to look like a softy when in the hands of potential danger. Or Megatron."

I moved closer and rested my head on his shoulder. We were both looking out at the purplish sunset. I tilted my head back to look at the faded stars that will soon come out completely at any minute.

"I love you." I whispered softly.

"I love you, too."

I smiled and pecked him, feeling another wave of peace wash over me.

Do do do do~
962 words!

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