Decepticon Scenarios!

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Sorry for not updating a lot, I'm currently working on a new story and I have school work to work on since my school was shut down due to the plague- er- virus

Also I re-re-redesigned my transformers oc. So art by me ⬆️

When they see you asleep

•He will try to wake you up but it doesn't work
•will pick you up
•give up after an hour of trying to wake you
•gives up and decides on the next best thing: cuddling when no one is looking

•will not yell
•kind of thinks you're cute when asleep
•holds your hand
•"sweet dreams"

• questions if you're awake
•would report to Megatron that you're asleep but doesn't
•keeps quiet
•might even pull you close
•hums softly

•holds you
•strokes your helm/wings if you have any
•will put you to bed

•doesn't know what to do
•probably cuddles you, who really knows ;)
•will report to Starscream of all Decepticons that you've fallen asleep

•"uhhh...Y/n? You awake?"
•will be very awkward and almost talks to himself but he isn't sure if you're awake so he talks anyway
•will hold you close
•report to Starscream

⭐️Unicron⭐️ (is he even a Decepticon?)
• yells to wake you up
•it works most of the time
•sleep inside and his voice will lull you to slumber

•won't disturb you
•places you in a safe spot
•sometimes will walk by and pretend to kiss your cheek

Ahhhhhh this is so bad!!! I just wanted to have SOMETHING new!
256 words :3

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