Soundwave x Reader

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⚠️ slight making out ⚠️
Soundwave and I were hanging out at night in a bar that was new to the both of us. The owner was Swerve, which we've heard of before, but didn't really bother to get to know. I took my share of the Cybertronian alcohol and slowly took a sip. The taste burned my tongue and I winced.

"This is"

"It is one of the strongest Cybertronian alcohol." I coughed as Soundwave said that. I took another sip of it and felt the sensation of starting to loose it. I hiccuped and Soundwave turned his head. I drank more and swayed unknowingly into Soundwave.

"Hahaaa, you were right, Soundwave, this place would be cool t-to go to!" I drunkenly spoke. Soundwave placed a servo on my cheek and I leaned into him.

"You're pretty...hic... hot." His face burned slightly and he took my drink away.

"H-hic- Hey!" He took my hand and bought me out of Swerve's and took me to the living room, which was vacant due to everyone being at Swerve's.

"You have consumed a large amount of alcohol. You are intoxicated." Soundwave told me, which I just hugged him in reply. I felt his arms wrap around me.

"You have to recharge-"

"My helm hurtssss..." he sighed and laid me back on the couch. I pulled him to me and he landed on top of me. He sighed again and sat up.

"Soundwaaaaaaave..." he held a pretty fed up expression under his visor and pinned me to the couch when I was about to sit up.
"You. Must. Rest." He demanded. I shook my helm and pressed a kiss to where his lips would be. He revealed his hidden dermas. They were plump and showed a smirk. He bent down and pressed a kiss to my dermas. He tasted of cybertronian alcohol, but also it could have been just me from drinking all that alcohol.
"You will rest." He told me.
"No!" He kissed me again.
"Affirmative." He kissed me again and didn't pull away. I felt his glossa slide across my bottom derma and I moaned quietly. He took the chance to slip his tongue in my mouth and roamed the new area. I smiled and heard him growl a little. After a while of the pleasure we pulled apart. We were panting and smiling.
"I think you're intoxicated as well."
403 words

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