Tailgate x Reader

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The image is too pure I can't-

Tailgate sat on the spinny-chair in Swerve's, drinking his first round of Cybertronian alcohol. I sat with him, along with Cyclonus. I tapped my pencil against the counter, thinking hard of what to write.
"So, what are you doing, again?" Cyclonus asked after ten minutes of watching me stalk my paper with confusion and frustration.
"I'm supposed to be doing my 'homework' for Perceptor. He told me to fill this out, and sure enough it is everything I've learned today." Cyclonus tipped his head back quickly and downed another shot of the Cybertronian alcohol. I groaned and rested my head on the counter. I felt someone's servo rest on my back, sweetly rubbing it. I glanced up in defeat to find it wasn't Cyclonus who was doing the comforting. Then I saw Tailgate. He had wrapped an arm around me.
"I'm sure we could help you! Can't we, Cyclonus?" Tailgate chirped.
"I suppose. What is your homework about?" I bit my lip. I didn't want to be embarrassed that I forgot about this...
"I... I need help with star stuff..." Tailgate waved his hand, as in saying 'and...'
"And... uh, specifically what kind of stars are common and which are rare." I faced the counter, then let my optics slide to the floor. I felt embarrassed. Perceptor went over this 5 times!
"Well... okay, let's read the first question. What kind of star is Sirius?" Tailgate read the question on the paper, then looked at Cyclonus with a look that could only be read as 'what the heck does that mean'. Cyclonus looked at the blue and white bot and back to me.
"I... um... I-...." I was too shy to really say an answer. What if they tease me? What if I become the laughing stock of Swerve's?! I mumbled out gibberish stuff that even I didn't know, and looked at the two with nervous optics.
"I didn't hear," Cyclonus said.
"I said, I think it's membfkskd..." I repeated.
"Eh... no. Not quite. Sirius is a binary star." Tailgate looked up at the skelebot.
"How'd you know?!" Cyclonus chuckled.
"I am smarter than I look."
I wrote down the answer nervously, then Tailgate read number two.
"Which star has the brightest glow in the Milky Way galaxy?" I felt my surroundings blurr as I became unreasonably tense. I death gripped my pencil until my hand was shaking. They must have noticed.
"Hey, hey, you don't have to be so nervous. It's okay! I don't know this stuff as well!" Tailgate gave me a pretty, reassuring smile and held my servo.
"It's not Sirius, is it?" Cyclonus shook his head. He looked bored. Like he has been waiting for my answer for hours.
"What's the thing in the sky during the day?" He asked with a servo resting upon his bony cheek.
"The sun?" He nodded.
"Wait- is that the answer?" He sighed and nodded again. I wrote down 'sun' in bold letters, mainly bold due to my anxiety.
"Three! Yay! You're zooming through these!" Said Tailgate with a grin. Sure, his mask hid the grin, but due to the rise of his eye gear, I could see it.
"T-thank you. I couldn't have done it without your help." I motioned to both of them. Cyclonus cleared his throat.
"Oh- right! Three, choices: O, B, A, G, K, M, or F. List in order from rarest to least rare." I felt myself starting to shut down. I didn't know any of this! Did Perceptor even teach this?!
"I... don't.. know..." I mumbled. Tailgate's soft grip on my hand tightened.
"Well, I can tell you the first letter. It's O." Said Cyclonus. I wrote down 'O', slowly and hard on the paper. If I wrote any harder, I'd probably tear the paper. I then saw a chart of temperature. Oh- was this star temperature? But it also said rarity, not temp...
"I'm confused. If the graph shows temperature then why does it ask for rarity?" Tailgate suddenly jolted and realized something.
"The rarity is shown by the temperature!" I 'oh'ed and felt stupid again. If even Tailgate who even isn't in Perceptor's 'class' can figure that out... I must be dumb.
"Well, according to the temperature, O, B, A, F, G, K, M?" Cyclonus stared at me.
"Good job, you figured it out." Tailgate took another shot, having taken two now. I gasped.
"Wait- is that really it?! I thought- but it seems so simple?" Cyclonus nodded.
"You overthought." Tailgate poured the alcohol into his shot glass and took another drink.
"Are you sure you want to drink that much so fast?" I asked as I wrote down the answer. Tailgate shrugged.
"I know my limits." He took another shot.
"Okay... if you say so. Is that all, or are there more questions?" Tailgate went to grab the paper, but his servo missed. He laughed nervously.
"Whoops..." he grabbed the paper and squinted.
"What's wrong? Is the ink blurry or something?" Cyclonus looked at the paper.
"No, the ink looks fine."
"I think it says... gosh, this is hard to read... uh.... What kind of... wait- no, uhh..."
"Are you drunk?" Tailgate cleared his throat and shook his head.
"I don't get drunk easily. Now, the question says, 'what does the temperature mean about stars?' There, see! Ha!" Tailgate smirked playfully. Just to be sure, Cyclonus read the question. Tailgate was right.
"Well, it tells the rarity and temperature obviously." Cyclonus nodded.
"It does." Tailgate held his head.
"Is that all?"
"Yeah, that's all..." Tailgate replied.
"Do you want another drink before we leave?" Cyclonus asked Tailgate, who groaned.
"I don't want another... my head hurts." I chuckled. But also felt bad for the guy. We helped him stand and walked him to his chambers. Cyclonus took my homework for me.
"I can take him from here. Can you give Perceptor that, please?" I told Cyclonus. He replied with a 'yes' and started walking away. Well, not before giving Tailgate a hug and sweet kiss on the head.
"Tailgate, you should lay down." Tailgate only groaned and held his head with both servos, wincing in pain.
"Why didn't you stop me?" He asked.
"I tried, but you seemed to have other plans." Tailgate huffed and moved himself so he was laying down with his head propped up.
"I will get you some water and some medicine. Stay here, okay?" He nodded and closed his optics.

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