Tailgate x Reader

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⚠️Making out⚠️

Art by me (first time drawing him)

I saw a flash of white and blue speed by and I already knew it was Tailgate on his hover board thing. I chased him and he looked behind him at me, I could tell he was smiling. He let out a giggle and sped up, making me run faster after him. He wasn't looking when he crashed into Swerve's. He grunted and fell off his board, laying on the floor.

"That hurt..." He mumbled. I laughed and offered a servo.

"Thanks." He replied, then I pulled him up. He stumbled and fell forwards to me, then his chest clashed with mine. He fell more, making stumble and eventually slip on a spilled drink. I fell to the ground and he fell with me. You know that cliche scene in every fanfic? Yeah, Tailgate was on top of me, a bright blue blush showing on his cheeks.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't- I- I should go-..." Tailgate got up rather sloppily and ran out of Swerve's. I sat up and looked down at the spilled drink and couldn't help but think of how Tailgate was hovering above me. Like a broken record, it kept repeating in my memory. Swerve saw me and walked up to me.
"Why are you on the floor?" He asked. "If you're hammered and are harassing my customers, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." I shook my head, keeping the thought of Tailgate in mind.

What have I done?! I made her fall and slip!! Why am I such a clumsy little- I have to make things right- but... but I don't want to see her! I'm too embarrassed! I fell right on top of her and she saw my blush! Why was I blushing? Did I actually enjoy... no... no... no... I can't have enjoyed that. I probably hurt her! Is she okay? Why didn't I ask that? Currently, I was bawling my optics out, trying not to be loud with crying. I'm so embarrassed and shocked. I can't believe I did that! Why- what if she's mad at me? Y/n... I'm so sorry....

I heard soft sobs coming from Tailgate's room. I knocked and heard a soft gasp. He hid in his room, not wanting to see me, or more, not wanting me to see him crying.
I walked in and didn't see him. He tried to calm down his erratic breathing, tears streaming down his cheeks. Why did he need to have a panic attack now?! He squinted and covered his optics and his breathing became heavier. Shaky breaths filled the silent room. He gave up and cried.
"Please, don't be mad at me! I want to still be your best friend, I am sorry! I am sorry!" I heard the cries from under his berth. He went back up to the surface and went onto his bed. I frowned and got onto his bed with him.
"I'm not mad at you. I am more concerned than mad. Are YOU okay? Did I hurt you?" I asked the white and blue softy.
"I... -hic- I... -hic- I'm okay... -hic-" He was still crying, but trying to stop. I smiled and hugged him, pushing him back onto his pillows. His face turned blue and he hugged back. I rested my head on his chest plate and heard his spark pulsing fast.
"You are okay... it's okay..." I whispered softly. He shuddered and pulled me close. He rolled over and he was hovering above me. A little smirk on his face. He leaned down, his nose nearly touching mine. I blushed and felt the power of love wash over me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, feeling him once again shudder. This time in surprise. He held my wrists and lowered his mask, revealing his bright optics and lips. His eyes were full of love as are mine, and he placed his lips onto mine. He closed his optics when I slightly kissed back. He gasped and shot back once he realized what he was getting into.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm so, so sorry!" He pleaded for my mercy. I grabbed him and he was close to me. He was slightly breathing heavily. I shoved my lips back onto his, making him take a sharp breath in. I felt him relax a bit and he gripped my hips, then moved his servos up to wrists. He pinned me down, which made a squeal of a giggle escape my dermas. He had a soft and delicate hold on me as he kissed me with passion.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you how I felt, Tailgate. I was scared you wouldn't feel the same way and you'd get upset."
"Why would I get upset?"
"I- I don't know..." he kissed me again, which I gladly kissed back. He started to trail kisses down my neck and collarbone.
"T-Tailgate....?" I softly spoke.
"I also wanted to say-... uh... I... I love you? Something like that? I... I don't know- you know what- it's stupid, forget I said anything, I..." he had a cute smile on his lips as he chuckled.
"I love you too. And I know I love you... we've known each other for... wow, millions of years!" He couldn't help but kiss me passionately, pulling me close. I hummed and bit his lip.
"Ah..." he softly reacted to the gesture. He felt a surge of dominance he has never felt before run through him. He denied my request and got closer. I licked his lip and he groaned, giving me a chance to let my metallic tongue roam inside his cavern. He hummed in pleasure at the new feeling. His metallic tongue fought with mine, dancing with each other. He blushed as a soft moan escaped his lips. I rolled so I was on top of him, pinning him to the soft mattress. He moaned again as I pressed myself hard against him, kissing his sensitive neck. I went to his chest, licking and kissing, then trailed to his stomach, then his hips. He blushed more, I could tell by his metal skin heating up. He panted softly and I moved back to his face. He was smiling mischievously. I kissed him for a long time, allowing his tongue to explore my mouth, dominating me slowly. I hummed and smiled as he pulled away. We both were panting, and he laid next to me. He suddenly gasped and covered his face and squealed.
"I can't believe I just did that!!!" I smiled at him.
"You're too cute."
"Quick question..."
"Y-yeah?" He asked.
"Where did you learn to... well, do that?"
"Ultra Magnus."
"How-... much did you le-learn?"
"All the basic stuff. Like where sparklings come from; the mother and father-"
"Okay, okay, okay!!!"

1159 words

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