Megatron x Ex-Autobot!Reader

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A little break from requests. ^^"

(I see Wattpad is still having the image issue...)

I feel like Optimus has realized my sudden need to be paired with Megatron when fighting, though it would be dangerous.

Every time we went into battle, I'd always charge first at Megatron, just to feel his servo glide gracefully across my skin, to feel his hot breath as he battled me. To see his red optics scan my every move. But also, the pain hurt, but being close to the Decepticon leader make me rethink why I was an Autobot. 

"Autobots,...Roll out." I ran out the ground bridge to find Megatron and his army.

"Slow down, Y/n... I'm afraid I have to have you wait this one out. I've noticed you have been battling bigger foes than you can handle, and that's good, but you've also been getting injured a lot because of that. Wait by those rocks until it is over. And that's an order." I pouted.

"But, Optimus!" I growled and obeyed his orders, sitting on the rocks and pouting like a kid. 


After the Autobots had defeated the Decepticons once again, Optimus asked me to leave and go back to the Autobot base with the others, but I didn't want to. I let Optimus leave through the ground bridge and followed behind, but stopped and the bridge closed. Good. 

I need some time away from the good guys.

I wandered the land that had energon splattered in some places and some pieces of bots scattered around. I didn't see anyone in sight, but I did hear whimpering. I scanned the area for any heat sources, and finally found the source. 

"Megatron?" He growled and backed away, but winced.

"I...I'm not here to hurt you, I'm here to get away from the Autobots." Megatron's scowl turned into a look of surprise.

"W-Why would you want to do that?" I sat next to Megatron and noticed the metal beam stabbed into the warmonger. To think that the Autobots are the good guys...

"Optimus has been hovering like a mother goose nonstop and it's getting really annoying! 'Y/n do this, Y/n don't do that, stay out of battle, this, that, oh, you're going to hurt yourself if you keep this up'" I explained. Megatron gave me a small smile. He winced again, tilting his helm back in pain and vented heavily.

"I..I can try to get that out of you." The beam that been stabbed into Megatron's abdomen caused a lot of energon to spill around him. He shook his head.

"I don't need an Autobot-"

"Ex-Autobot, m'lord." I bowed my helm forward in respect. He looked at me in awe.

"Are you serious? Of course you're not...why would I believe an Autobot?" I frowned and leaned on a rock that was beside me. 

"How can I prove that I am no longer an Auto-bot?" 

Megatron tilted his head at my reply and groaned quietly.

"H-Help me..." 

My head perked up at his suggestion, or demand, and I grinned.

"Yes, sir!"


After I helped Megatron, he held his abdomen and gave me a nice smile. I've never seen him smile like this, before.

"Why did you want to always fight me?" Megatron asked.

"I...I've always looked up to your fighting style... I like it." I saw my new leader turn his helm away from me and saw his cheeks rise in a smile.

"Did I ever hurt you badly?" This question caught me off guard. 

He had hurt me. Multiple times.

"Yes, you have." 

Megatron looked down and inched closer to me. We were now shoulder to shoulder.

"I should get going soon-"

"Why leave when you're now a Decepticon? You don't have to go back to Optimus Prime." I saw the Sun start to set and the sky turn red. I gazed into the optics of my new leader. I snapped my head in surprise when a familiar, and quite upset, voice echoed around us.

"Y/n!" I saw Optimus and he did not look happy. Megatron pulled me closer.

"Optimus, I'm sorry to say that-"

"You are absolutely not sorry! You've pushed her around, not listen to her, and look where she is now. On my side." Megatron stood up for me, making me stare into his red eyes in shock.

"Is this true? Do you believe I've pushed you around to the point of leaving your own side?" I nodded and Optimus sighed.

"I have no right to try to bring you back." Said the red and blue mech. He turned around and walked away. 

I found my helm resting on Megatron's shoulder.

"Thank you." He nodded and leaned on me.

Megatron shifted so he was leaning back.

"How come no one stuck around to help you?" Megatron let out a sigh.

"I suppose they thought I was already through before closing the bridge. I am surprised Soundwave didn't do anything sooner..." I stared at Megatron and bit my lip.

"Can I admit something to you?"

"Of course."

"I sort I only wanted to fight you because I enjoy being close to you. Every time you touched me I just felt a spark. Soon, I came to the conclusion that I like you."

Megatron's face held a visible blush and he smiled sweetly.

"I felt the spark as well..." I felt Megs wrap an arm around my stomach and saw him grin. Grin.

"So...want to be my s-sparkmate or something like that?" Megatron chuckled at my timid nature and pecked my dermas.

"I'd love to." I kissed him back and he smiled.

"Let's head home, Y/n." I grinned widely as we headed home. My new home.


"Starscream, Soundwave,Knockout, you're all grounded."

The 3 mechs groaned, except for Soundwave, and headed to their rooms.


923 words

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