Blurr x Reader

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"What should I tell her, I mean, I want to tell her that I like her but I think she won't feel the same and if she doesn't feel the same what's the point in telling her anyway if she's just going to reject me on the spot, so what do I say, what do I say, what do I say?!" Blurr said to Rodimus. Rodimus squinted in annoyance at his fast voice.
"Just tell her you think she looks pretty!" Rodimus replies.
"Yeah, but if I do that she might think I only mean today she looks pretty when everyday she looks beautiful. Beautiful. She is beautiful everyday not pretty so I need to do better than call her pretty, no she's gorgeous." Rodimus put his servo over Blurr's mouth.
"Please, just.. be quiet? Call her gorgeous if you have to." Just then, I walked in and saw Blurr and Rodimus.
"Y/n, hi, you look really gorgeous today, well, you look gorgeous everyday and somehow today you look extra gorgeous but either way you are so pretty." Blurr said to me. I felt my face plate heat up.
"Uh...hi to you as well, Blurr. Um... thank you?" Rodimus facepalmed and sat back down.
"So I was wondering, if you'd like to hang out with me more? I mean... not as friends, I really like you and I think we would be perfect together seeing I've liked you for so long and if you like me then we could-" Rodimus put his hand over Blurr's mouth once more.
"Blurr's trying to say he wants to take you out on a date. Sunset." Rodimus spoke for poor Blurr.
"Blurr, I'd love to. I'll see you then." I smiled and walked off.
"Gosh she's pretty when she smiles," Blurr said.


At sunset, I was taken to a beautiful canyon. The stars shined the brightest there.
"Did you know you could see Sirius up there? Boy, I'm starting to sound like Perceptor." I grinned and let my servo intertwine with Blurr's. He gasped in surprise softly.
"I-I wasn't expecting you to-" I cut him off with a kiss. I could feel him warm up.
"You talk a lot... and stutter a lot. I like you!" I said with a laugh. He bit his lip and looked away.
"I like you as well." He replied slowly.

414 words

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