Soundwave x Reader

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I was a Decepticon. But... I wasn't the best. I was better than Starscream, but there's one thing that I just hate about myself. Water. I hate that I fear water. And where is the base? Underwater.
"Hey, Sounds, do we have to go back so soon? Why not um... explore?" I tried my best to stall us. we were on a mission to spy on Bumblebee and Ironhide, but something got us off track. Soundwave looked at me. He didn't stop walking and then he flew up, me following him.
"Come onnn...."
"Megatron to Soundwave, do you copy?" I heard our boss's voice from Soundwave.
"Uh- Yes, sir! We copy..." I replied for Soundwave.
"You must hurry back immediately. Starscream got trapped under some large rocks underwater, and we can't release him without more strength." My heart sunk.
"I-is he okay? Does he have any bad injuries?" I asked.
"No, but his energon levels are low." I groaned. Soundwave and I made it back to the base, seeing the tower rise. We walked in and I fell once it started to go back down. Soundwave looked at me curiously. He offered a hand and I took it.
"Thanks... I uh... I didn't expect that for some reason," he nodded and we walked to our boss.
"That little fool is in there!" Megatron pointed to a entrance, two boulders crushing him. I stood there, thinking of a way to move the rocks.
"Stop! You can't move the rocks or else- AH!" The workers who moved the rocks gasped as they made a large hole in the wall. Water knocked me down hard, I hit my head on the metal floor. I can't pass out now, I need to... I ...

I woke up on a medical berth. Everything was blurry. My metal lungs burned. Oh, right... I got knocked down. I saw Starscream by my side.
"Screamer?" I asked weakly. Starscream smiles. Then I frowned.
"This is your fault! I'm here because of you! If it weren't for your clumsiness I would still be patrolling and spying with Soundwave!" Starscream jumped at my sudden outburst. I sobbed.
"Leave me alone..."
"I was actually here to thank you for trying and to give you some energon..." well now I feel like a dunce. He handed me an energon cube and I consumed the energy. I felt better.
"Thank you... I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me." He nodded.
"You're okay, friend!" I grinned. Suddenly my receiver buzzed and blinked.
"Megatron to Y/n, I need you in the main room. NOW." I flinched at how harsh his words were.
"Yes sir, be there in a few." I stuttered. I ran to the main room, seeing Soundwave there. No Megatron.
"Where's Megatron?" I asked. Soundwave pushed a button on his panel and it played a message.
"Megatron to Y/n, I need you in the main room. NOW." Ahhh, so he used his recordings. Smart.
"Oh... you needed something, Sounds?" He nodded.
"You know I've heard you speak before. No need to be shy." He looked down.
"Fact: Y/n likes me." He spoke. His voice sounded like it was done by a vocoder. It was deep, and might I say a bit sexy. Then I realized what he said.
"Wait- who told you that?" I asked.
"Megatron." He answered simply. I felt my metal skin heat up.
"And how could he know that?"
"Soundwave, don't you realize what she is doing? She likes you! Which is why she insists on always coming with you on these missions." He played the recording.
"Well, my dear friend, it's not a fact if someone else said it. But... it is a fact if I'm the one who said it. And that's true. I do like you." Soundwave's fans whirred louder. The base creaked a bit and moved a little. I jumped and found myself clinging to Soundwave's arm. He looked down at me.
"I'm sorry... I am afraid that one day this base will topple over and we will all die... I know, it's childish." He kept his gaze on me.
"Negative. The odds of that happening are possible. The base is at an angle where a strong gust of water could blow the base over." His calculations scared me.
"But do not worry. There is not a single thing in the water that has that much strength." I sighed and rested my head on his arm. I was oddly short for my size.
"Well, Sounds, what do you say? You want to be my sparkmate?" I felt him warm up.
"Affirmative." I grinned. Soundwave bent down and removed his mask, pressing a soft kiss to my lips. I kissed him back sweetly.
"It's about time you two got together. Skywarp and I were starting to think it'd never happen without our help!" Starscream said.
"I guess you two were wrong. If anything, Megatron helped us, but he isn't even aware of it." I smirked. Starscream felt anger boil inside him.
"MEGATRON!!!" He stormed off.
"Well, let's see if there's a mission for us to do?" I asked my sparkmate. He nodded.
"Affirmative. Mission: make Y/n the happiest femme." I blushed.
"I think that mission was a success."

877 words

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