Hell. [1 part 2]

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Thirteen seconds til break ends. Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick- Luz let out a gro- an, repeatedly hitting herself with he- r book. "Please please please please please PLEASE RING-"

Luz has never been so happy for the deafening bell to ring in all it's very annoying glory. She shot up, taking her bag, and rushing out. Sweet sweet freedo- "Luz Noceda."

The witchling stopped in her tracks, looking over at the approaching teach- er. "Hi Mr.Smith.."

"Running down the halls?"

"I'm going to be late.."

"That's your fault."

Luz glanced down at her shoes, "It'll be yours since I can't walk away when someone's talking.."

He pulled off her beanie, throwing it at her chest, Luz quickly catching it, "No head coverings." He hissed. "You used to be a great student Luz. My favorite too. Then you fell behind. Absences all around because of the hospital?" He scoffed.

*To those wondering about hijabs, just be patient

"It's true.."

"It's unbelievable. One day you're ne- arly dying the next you're halfway healed?" He scoffed again. "It's absurd Luz."

She cowered, "I'm sorry Mr.Smith.."

"Sorry doesn't cut it." He hissed, the bell ringing. "Lunch detention, you're late."

Luz walked down the hall, putting her beanie back on when she knew he was out of sight. She rushed to her fourth period, quickly entering when the door nearly closed. She went to her seat, putting her bag down in between her feet.

Her neighbor gently nudged her, "I think you need a hug."

"No thank you Spencer..I'm fine.."

He pulled back, suprised, "You've declined a hug? Who are you? What have you down to my bisexual bestie huh?" He questioned, lightly elbowing her.

The teacher tapped her board, "We're done with the chit chat. Pay attention to the notes, this chapter is fairly.. Difficult."


Stressed stressed, absolutely stressed. Luz spent lunch detention relearning the lesson, getting the hang of it and getting it checked. All correct. One of her friends had detention too, they got it on purpose. "Be quiet!!" The security guard shouted.

The human glanced over, then at the boy she was talking to, "I feel like I should ask her out y'know? She likes my friend, but I love this girl Brian."

"You said that six minutes ago." He sighed. "And it's Brayden.."

"I did? Well, I just want to be with her Brian. She's sweet, literally the cutest girl I met after Luz."

"Skara, be quiet. This is detention, not therapy." Luz muttered, snapping her pencil.

The human looked over, "Luz, you alright? You've been bitter lately.."

The witchling glared at her, "Gee thanks for noticing." Luz hissed.

"Damn I should call Amity-" Skara muttered, pulling her phone out.

Luz got up quietly, walking to the in room restroom, closing the door, and locking it. Everyone fell silent when they heard screams of anger, and things knocking down in there. A pound came at the door, then silence. After a minute, it opened. Luz calmly walked out, fixing her hair, putting it back up in a ponytail.

She sat down elegantly, then returned to her work. "Keep staring and I'll find something else to take my anger out on." Luz said sweetly, her broken pencil snapping again.

In about five minutes, the detention door opened, Amity coming in and over to the witchling. "Luz are you alright?" Amity asked, kneeling down beside her. "Skara said you've been pretty aggressive lately..Need a hug?"

"No. I don't need one." Luz hissed. "I'm not a baby, Amity."

The human drew back a bit, "I'm sorry?" Amity scoffed.

"I don't need a hug. I'm fine."

Amity got up, "Luz-"

"I said I'm fine! I don't need you to help me calm down!"

The human sighed quietly, "Refrain from shouting." Amity said calmly.

"You can't tell me what to do.." Luz said, lowering her voice.

Amity pulled a lollipop out from her jackets pocket, offering it to Luz. The witchling glared at her and it, snatching the lollipop. "What's going on Luz?" Amity asked.

The witchling grumbled as she unra- veled the lollipop, putting it in her m- outh. ".................."

"Mr.Smith is getting on your nerves?"


"He did what?"


Amity handed Luz another lollipop, patting her head, "Thank you for giving me this information Luz, you are so very sweet." Amity said, giving Luz a tight hug.

The witchling relaxed, nuzzling her cheek, purring quietly, "You are very welcome.." Luz mumbled.

Amity pulled back, pulling Luz's hood up, "You can hide under there til you want to talk like Luz would, okay?"

The witchling nodded slowly, "Okay.."

And that folks, is how you calm down a pissed off witch.


After school, in a nearby store, just for snacks. Luz picked carob chocolate bars, and some safe chips for her pets at home. She walked to the front, now noticing her least favorite teacher. He stopped in front of a student, a new one nonetheless, and put his hand on her head.

She drew back, Luz going over, "I'm sorry Mr.Smith- I'm not allowed to touch anyone outside family-" She blurted out.

"Take off the head covering, you're inside and it's hot."

"My religion-"

"Take it off."

Luz went over, using her bag of carob chips to push her back and down an isle, "Uhm?-"

"You said you couldn't touch anyone outside of family, so I'm trying to get you away from Mr.Smith." Luz said, pushing her back gently. "My carob chips are doing the work."

The girl adjusted her head covering, "I uhm- Thank you?-"

"No biggie, I'm Luz." The witchling bowed.


"That's a pretty name! I like it alot." Luz smiled. "Your head covering is pretty too, I like the shade of green it is."

"Uh- Thank you- Luz-"

"You are most welcome Ariyah. I best be going now, I'll see you at school?"

She nodded furiously, "Uhm right! Yes! Yes I'll uh- See you at school-"

Luz smiled and waved, heading to the front. Day ninety four (94) on earth, another potential friend that has a crush on you. Congrats Luz, you're off to a great first impression.

To be continued.

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now