When Amity woke up, yesterday's schedule flooded her mind. In Luz's bed, cuddling with Bungii, it's four in the morning. Amity sat up, Bungii scampering about, falling off the bed. He looked up at Amity, holding his paws up. "It's time to get ready Bungii."He sat, sliding under the bed, coming out the other side. He paused, then looked left, trotting towards the door, jumping up, reaching the handle. Bungii kicked himself with the door, said door slowly opening. Bungii dropped to the floor, exiting the room, peeking in at Amity.
The Blight got out of bed, going after Bungii, the stuffie pawing at the closet door. She opened it, Bungii sliding in, shuffling about, pushing out a box. "For Amity~<3" Was labeled on top with Luz's handwriting.
Amity pulled the box closer, lifting up the lid, "Oh..My gosh.."
"Emergency clothing! PJ's are on the left, date clothing are middle, and regular wear are on the right!" A note on top revealed, having a chibi Luz holding a sign with a heart.
Amity picked up Bungii, giving him a tight hug. "I miss Luz's hugs..I don't think we've been apart for this long before.."
Someone tapped her shoulder, Amity jerking back, looking up. "Oh..You.." Amity closed the box, letting Bungii get on her shoulder, picking up the box.
Amity got up, looking down at Vee, "I heard you..You're a loud human.."
"..Well, I have to get ready..Do you.. Need anything..?" Amity asked, it was hard to pretend to like Vee.
The basilisk shook her head, her scales changing. "..You miss her hugs.. And I know you said not to be her, but while I was her on the isles..I found out how she hugs.." Luz held her arms out.
Amity took a small step, dropping the box and staggering in to Vee's grasp. Amity picked Luz up, hugging her tightly, hiding her face in Luz's should- er. "..I miss my girlfriend.."
Vee hugged Amity back tightly, rubbing the human's back. "It's not my place to say this, but she'll be back soon.."
Ghost mewed, coming out from Hunter's room, meowing loudly. Amity placed Vee down, giving her a gentle squeeze before letting her go. Amity knelt down, fixing the box, petting Ghost, "What's up my little ghoul?"
The kitten mewed, spinning and going back to Hunter's room, mewing. "Let me get ready first Ghost, I'll be right there."
Ghost purred, sitting by the door, Amity picking up the box and going to Luz's room. She saw Vee turn back, then slither downstairs to the guest bedroom. Amity let Bungii enter before closing the door, going to the bathroom. "Bungii my little bunny, can you go get Boscha's scroll for me?"
The bunny sat and saluted, teleporting away. Amity went to the shower, running the water, letting it get hot before gathering clothes, summoning a few other stuff. Amity hummed, opening the drawer, spotting a box with her name on it.
Amity pulled it out, opening it, "This dummy was prepared.." Amity smiled softly, taking out the toothbrush, brush, hair ties, and other feminine products for herself. "And it looks like she did research without me.."
The Blight pulled out the handmade pamphlet that spoke of periods, how often you should drink water, change pads, how to deal with cramps properly, and some easy exercises for bed ridden women. (Including FTM hacks to hide the fact you're on your period)
Amity skimmed it, then put it back in the box, "After my shower.."
Bungii scampered in, bunking in to Amity's leg, dropping the scroll, his tail wagging furiously. "Thank you Bungii~" Amity knelt down, patting his head, taking the scroll. "Did she tell you the password?"
He blinked, his eyes turning black before they glowed, the bunny turning towards the sink, creating a tiny projector. Lesbian. "You know, I feel like I should've known that." Amity unlocked the scroll, pulling up Penstragram. "Oh, she started the live awhile ago!"
Amity clicked on it, then realized it had been on since last night. "Is that my room..?" Amity sat on the floor, pulling Bungii in to her lap.
Luz curled up a bit, humming quietly, her purrs starting up, "Gamity.." Luz wiped her nose, pulling her blanket over her face.
Amity's voice cracked before she even spoke, the human awing quietly, "I literally love her so much oh my god-"
Comments sped in, Amity reading the eight comments, "AWHHHH!"
"So cute~"
"Can't believe how many people are up watching her-"
"How long has it been since she said Amity? Six minutes?"
"Three hundred and seven!"
"We're creeps-"
"Hi Boscha!!"
"Luz is so cute-"
The witch flipped over, Amilotl hopping over her shoulder, patting the bed, curling up, laying it's head down on its paws. "Ammiityy.."
"Three hundred and eight!" The new comment showed.
Amity got up with Bungii, placing him and the scroll on the counter. "Let me take a shower Bungii, keep an eye on Luz hm?"
"<( ̄︶ ̄)>"
Amity pat his head, closing the door, grabbing a towel and moving it closer to the shower. "Wait this is going to burn- I should turn it down before I go in..-"
Yes, that would be logical Amity

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5
FanfictionMaxed out on parts in first one, welcome, to the 1.5 book, of Weirdos Stick Together. Glad to have you back readers, but let's get right in to the description. EPISODES 1-80 WRITTEN BEFORE SEASON 2B Luz Clawthorne, a witchling, banished from her wo...