The Wrong Side. [20]

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The after-party was great, Luz spent most of the time packing with Camilla and Viney since Boscha was flirting with Willow. Then the day was over in an instant since cleaning was surprisingly easy, then night came, so everyone fell asleep! The next morning which is right now, the twenty seventh, Luz had led her family back to the forest.

Where, in fact, the portal was. There was a man in a white cloak with a bird like mask, waiting for them. "Hey Steve!" Luz greeted.

"Shhhh!! You'll blow my cover!" He hissed.

Luz quickly apologized, "This is my guardian, Camilla. Mami, this is Steve, he's in the Emperor's coven."

"Steve eh?"

"Yes ma'am! I'm Steve. You can see it on my shirt. I'm the one and only Steve. Can't mistake me for anyone else." He said proudly. "Go on and step through, the guards will lead you home Luz."

Viney went first, followed by Boscha, Prince, Nero, then Luz, and Camilla, Steve following after. There was an Eda in there. "Hi other Eda." Luz waved. "Hi other King!"

The demon waved, continuing to read aloud the Azura book, Eda getting up. "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!" She exclaimed. "THIS IS NOT HOW WE TALK!"

King continued to loudly exaggerate the words, following Eda. Camilla and Steve went through the portal while Luz picked up Amilotl, the stuffie having fallen asleep. Eda covered her ears and closed her eyes, bunking in to Luz, both stumbling out the portal, mostly Eda first, King following suit.

Luz groaned, feeling her head, "Owie that hurt.." Luz mumbled.

"Ugh..You have no idea.." A girl replied who sounded like Luz.

The witchling got up, "I'm sorry, didn't think anyone would be in my way.. Also I was bunked in to.." Luz held her hand out to the girl, her vision focusing. "AH WHO ARE YOU-"

The girl groggily looked up, noticing Luz, sitting up and scootching back, "WHO ARE YOU!?"



The witchling covered her ears, quickly apologizing, "I'm sorry I'm sorry but please don't shout."

Eda helped the other Luz up, King hopping on her shoulder, glaring at the witchling. "Should've guessed.." Eda muttered. "Listen Luz, the portal is connected to each alternative universe that could involve it."


"This Luz, is a different you. She must have stumbled through with King and I, go on get." Eda said, pointing to the portal door.

The witchling went back through, Amilotl quickly following in after noticing the scenery. Eda entered as well, then turned. Luz went back to the portal, feeling it, "It's closed.."


"I'm not going to get home--"

"Woah you're uh- Shaking there kid-"

"I'm never going to see Amity again-"

"The rich Blight girl?"

Luz paused, looking over at Eda. "Is she here?"

Eda nodded, "Yeah..Why?"

"I'm going to need like thirty hugs- Can you take me to her?"



Luz rang the doorbell, glancing around the property. "Looks different. Odd.."

Amilotl scrambled up to Luz's leg, climbing up and on to her shoulder. "I uh..Never been here before.." The other Luz said.

'Beep' "What do you want? State your business. Who are you."

The witchling thought for a moment. "I want to see Amity, I need a hug, and I'm Luz Clawthorne."

It beeped again. "Are you her friend?"

"Uhm- Yes?"

"Please proceed." It beeped, the gate slowly creaking open.

Luz walked up the hill, the other three following her, just to make sure she wouldn't die. The front door made a heavy creak as it was pulled open, an abomination groaning quietly. "Oh! I'm assuming Amity's a witch then." Luz mumbled. "Morning! Can I come in?"

The abomination whined and quietly groaned as it opened the door, slowly leading the way to the living room. "Graamityy.."

A door opened, a greenette with brown roots, golden eyes, and fair skin came out, her eyes widening as she saw the trio. "Oh. It's you." She hissed.

"That's not Amity." The witchling muttered, stepping back. "My Amity has pretty brown skin, and light blue eyes, blonde hair with a pink streak down the middle."

Luz snarled, Amilotl hissing as well. The other witch drew back, "Huh?"

"S-She's from a uh- Different universe and kinda slipped through the portal- She uhm- Heh- Needs a hug-" The human smiled nervously.

"No not from her! She's not my Amity! She's a fraud! Where's Emira. Maybe she looks the same-" The witchling quickly went to the stairs, going up them.

"Hey!" Eda exclaimed. "Get your magic butt over here!"

King got off Eda's shoulder, getting on Luz's, "She's screwed."

The witchling went down the hall, examining the rooms, stopping in front of one with a tiny bit of slime on it. Luz knocked on it, "Emira?"

The door opened, a greenette with fair skin peeking out, "Hm?"


"Yeah I am, Emira Blight.." She said, sounding confused.

"Amilotl, home please-"

Hey where'd you go- To be continued.

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now