2 am, March 2nd, WednesdayLuz shot up, panting heavily, looking around. "A..ty.." Luz's voice was hoarse and quiet. "...ty!" The witch got out of bed, staggering down, coughing loudly. "....y..!"
The door opened, the human rushing in, sliding by Luz. "Princessa- Estas bien?-"
Luz whimpered, "Lift up your shirt-"
"You're not bleeding?-" Luz tugged at the human's shirt.
Amity pushed Luz back gently, "From one place but that's private?-" Amity kissed Luz's hands. "Amor- I'm doing great- I'm okay- Are you?"
Luz stopped, then shook her head, trembling. "You- Hicc- Do-Don't know how bad I-I need-needed to hear that--" Luz choked out.
Amity sat, pulling Luz in her lap, shushing her. "Con calma Amor.. Digame.." Amity hushed. "You could have told me sooner.."
Luz hiccuped, gripping Amity's perfect fitting and favorite shirt, most likely ruining it. "I need help-- What I saw-- I-I didn't like it-"
Amity poked Luz's chest, the witch drawing back, "Amor, con calma. Do not rush, I need you to tell me every thing, don't skip anything." Amity kissed Luz's head. "You're staying here the week, you have until then to tell me everything."
Luz hiccuped, Amity wiping her cheek, connecting their foreheads. "I will stay right here, by your side. You can tell me what's bothering you amor, don't leave even a single detail out.."
"Where do I even start..?" Luz hiccuped.
"Anywhere Luz, I'm yours for the week."
"Then Willow tells me these things like I'm supposed to help her when I myself haven't coped with it--" Luz sighed sharply. "Im sorry- It's rude to think like that-"
"No no, Preciosa, it's okay. You're allowed to think like that, saying it to her, definitely not yet, but you're allowed to think about it that way." Amity moved Luz's hair back. "Keep going."
Luz shook her head, "I don't..I don't want to think about that anymore.."
Amity nodded, "Okay. My turn. Luz, I've been hearing your stomach growl for thirteen hours, can you finally eat now?" Amity sighed.
Luz nodded, getting up, Amity being pulled up and dragged out of the room. "Amor, slow down-" Amity pulled Luz back a bit. "The food will be waiting for you-"
"I don't want anyone to be left alone downstairs..- They might be scared-"
Amity chased after Luz, grabbing her hand the second she reached the bottom. "Luz Clawthorne. You are in my home and my girlfriend. I will do anything I can to make you feel safe in here. You can eat as slowly as you'd like and there'd be food left over for you even when everyone's finished."
The witch hesitated, looking down at the tiled floors. "..."
Amity sighed, standing by the witch, kissing her hand. "Cariño, remember, con calma."
Luz relaxed, nodding slowly. "..Do you have-"
"A book of reasons why you deserve me and so much more? Yes, yes I do. Would you like to see it while you eat?" Amity asked, squeezing Luz's hand. "It'll take you a week to read the first three, it also has more parts on the way."
Luz hugged Amity, nuzzling in to her chest, the human kissing the witches head. "I love you Luz, don't ever underestimate my love for you and how far it'll go."
The witch purred quietly, Amity picking her up, taking her to the kitchen. "Que quires?"
Amity clicked her tounge, lightly hitting Luz's head, "Ay Luz-"
The witch snickered, Amity sitting the witch down. "I'll get you the books, I will be back, and eat as much as you can or want, okay?"
Luz nodded, "Be quick?"
Amity hummed, then rushed back upstairs to get Luz her new books. The chef came over, showing Luz tonight's menu, the witch picking two options. He nodded, walking back to the kitchen, returning with two plates. "Here you go." He ruffled Luz's hair. "Enjoy."
The witch thanked him, picking up the fork, her ears perking up. The witch looked up at the stairs. "Found all twenty books!" Amity exclaimed, coming down with her book. "Each is like six hundred pages, they only have six chapters each though."
Amity placed the book on the counter, Luz examining it, "A hundred pages for one chapter..?-" Luz scoffed. "I did four hundred pages for one chapter. The last two hundred pages had your name on it, all handwritten."
The human scoffed, "I have a whole book of your name." Amity snapped, a book being placed down by two butlers. "All handwritten. With," Amity opened the book. "Colors."
Luz gasped, "You're good.."
Amity smiled proudly, "Thank you."
"Which one is the first?" Luz asked.
Amity pointed to a yellow one, the butlers sliding it over to Luz, the witch opening her book up. "Chapter one, Luz." The witch began. "..Are they all going to be named after me?"
"No no," Amity turned back, pointing to the table of contents. "See? It's your name in different languages. You can read it while eating."
Luz nodded, pulling the book over a bit, fixing the way she held her fork, twirling it in the pasta. "..When did you start this??"
"Oh, the day we met. Why?"
"Cause you said you hate me..-" Luz mumbled, taking the pasta off the fork. "Right there."
Amity kissed Luz's cheek, the witch whining quietly as she was eating. "It was weird though, I wrote that alot the first few chapters. Which means that I literally couldn't get you off my mind. You were that annoying." Amity teased, ruffling Luz's hair.
The witch hummed quietly, twirling her fork in the pasta, taking another bite. "..--!" Luz nearly choked. "GWHAT-"
Amity pat Luz's back, "Crap Luz- I only just got you back- Don't die--"
Luz coughed, hitting her chest, having to swallow the pasta. She shuddered, looking back down at the book, "The first week!?"
"Huh- Well yes-- Luz I was confused back then okay??" Amity huffed. "I was very upset."
"It says diary-"
Amity closed the book, "Maybe don't read the first one."
Luz giggled, kissing Amity's cheek, "Te amo Amistad." Luz cooed.
Amity mumbled that to herself, trying to remember what that.. "Awh~" The human kissed Luz's face. "Yo tambien te amo Carino~"
Luz purred loudly, letting Amity kiss her, "Hehehe~ I love your kisses~"
"And I love giving you them~ Only you deserve them Amor~" Amity hummed.
"Okay, I want to eat now, can you give me a few minutes?"
Amity nodded, nuzzling Luz's cheek, "I need to take a quick shower, if you want, we can go to the mall?"
"Ah, was kinda hoping you said ball, so we could dance. The mall wor-"
"Want to dance-?"
Luz nodded, "Let me eat first please?"
"Oh- Duh- Yeah, I'll ask dad go let you pick something to wear. Unless you'd want to wear something funny?"
Luz paused, then nodded, "It would be more entertaining."
Amity gave Luz a hug, then pulled back, heading to the stairs, "Where- Where do you want the books-" The butler struggled, huffing and puffing as he tried to keep the book up.
Knowledge will take you places, in his case, it's down!

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5
FanfictionMaxed out on parts in first one, welcome, to the 1.5 book, of Weirdos Stick Together. Glad to have you back readers, but let's get right in to the description. EPISODES 1-80 WRITTEN BEFORE SEASON 2B Luz Clawthorne, a witchling, banished from her wo...