A Night to Remember. [62 part 2]

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"He's in the hospital?" Amity asked.

"Smoking, and old age, what do you get?" Mattias inquired.

"Oh..Heart attack.." Amity mumbled.

Luz facepalmed, "He should've learnt his lesson by now.."

"Honestly yeah, but is he okay?"

Mattias nodded, "The doctor told him, one more, and he's dead. Ay gave me his credit card, and all two hundred others so he couldn't by anything." Mattias nudged Prince's fur up, exa- mining him. "Looking good."

Prince's tail wagged swiftly, the mutt barking, nuzzling Mattias, messing up his fur. Prince laid in front of the Newfie, grinning, "Oh Prince.." Mattias huffed. "Again?"

The mutt howled quietly, his tail wagging furiously, "Please?~ It's keeping me focused and out of trouble isn't it?"

Mattias lowered his head, nuzzling Prince's cheek, "I love you and all, but I gave you fourteen furstyles on the way here..Assuming Luz made a meal for lunch, I'd like to go eat."

The witch got up, nodding, Princess scurrying to follow her. "Someone please help--" Nero mewed, holding on to the chandelier. "Anyone-"


Nero glared at Princess, his tail slowly swaying from side to side. Luz waved him off, "Nero, please stop getting your fur everywhere.."

He licked Luz's cheek, grinning at Princess. "Home!" Hunter called out.

Luz sat up, taking Nero with her to go downstairs, "Did you bring it?" Luz asked.

Hunter held up a bag, "Picked it up on my way from work so it was still cold, that okay?"

Luz nodded, "Thank you." Luz put Nero on his head, taking the bag, going over to the kitchen. "Would you like it poisoned or?"

"Poisonous as possible." Hunter nodded.

"Small shape?"

"Flapjack sized."

Luz took out the dairy free yogurt, placing it on the counter, "Details?"

Hunter paused, "It'll look suspicious."

"Final questions, where are you going to hide the body, did you tell Camilla, and should I put peanuts inside?" Luz finalized.

Hunter rubbed his chin, humming quietly, "Under a tree, yes I did, and no, he tells everyone he's allergic like every day. So he's going to be upset when he doesn't get one cause he won't be able to eat it."

Luz opened the container, examining the creaminess of the yogurt, "Need them by Monday?"

"Tommorow. Our class has a meeting since the teacher was gone Tuesday." Hunter explained.

Luz ohed, "Just one?"

"Just one."



Luz huffed, "Half now?"

Hunter snarled quietly, "A third now."

Luz pulled a little box from her pocket, handing it to Hunter. "You still need to pay for the yogurt." Hunter muttered, sliding the box in his pocket.

"I'm going out of my way to make you this."

The backdoor opened, arms being wrapped around Luz's waist. The witch shivered, leaning back, "Hola amor, donde estavas?" Luz cupped Amity's cheek.

"Went back home to model a few dresses." Amity squeezed Luz gently. "Ay amor~ So warm~ What are you up to?"

Hunter took a spoon from a drawer, scraping some of the yogurt, giving it a try, "Making poison." Hunter answered. "This is good!"

"Should I make his hollow?" Luz asked.

"Yes. Make it full of confetti so if he does eat it, he'll get food poisoning if he does survive the first dose."

Luz let out a little chirp, gently pushing Amity's face away from her ear, "Amity.."

"That was so cute~" The Blight hummed. "Let me do it again~"

"Go back home, I don't require your presence when making poison.."

Amity sighed in defeat, giving Luz a few kisses before letting her go, "I'll see you tonight?"

Luz tensed, "Tonight-- That was tonight--?"

Amity rose a brow, then saddened, "Don't tell me you forgot Amor.."

"I didn't-- B-But I thought it was for next week- Ah- I planned to help Camilla--"

"I'll do it." Hunter cut in. "This will be the start to me getting on your good side Luz. You go with the beast, and I'll help Camilla."

The witchling nervously hummed, biting her thumb, "I-I don't know- I have a whole process to help her study and--"

"I've seen you do it. Go have a nice night with the beast, I'll take care of it. Okay?"

Amity took Luz's hand, "No biting Cariño, you'll hurt yourself.."

The witchling trembled, "B-But I have to care for the chickens-- Mattias and Prince a-and Nero-"

The cat purred, "Luz, go." He mewed. "I'm hanging out with Rose today, I finally get to see her."

Amity took Luz's other hand, kissing her knuckles, "Let's go have a picnic instead, I'll prepare the food, all you have to do, is show up. And bring a blanket."

Luz nodded slowly, wiping away her tears with her shoulder, taking a few quiet breaths. "Wh-Where are we going to be..?"

Amity smiled softly, "Where we had our first date.."

To be told in the cold.

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now