Don't need yah Señor Toliet. [9 part 2]

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When they finally sought to get up, Luz went to the kitchen. She didn't know why, but she wanted to make Amity calzones and apple blood pie. Luz got started on dough, the fillings for both meals, let the dough rest, and kept the fillings in airtight containers.

When she washed her hands, Robin had come up to her, "So, question one, where are you from?" Robin asked, looking up from his notepad.

Luz sighed, "Robin, I get you're a curious human, but bad things just happened to my family back at home. I don't want to talk about this right now.."

He hummed, scribbling that down, "Question two, can I know what your guardian is like? I bet they're as great as you Luz."

The witchling relaxed, "My momma is great." Luz said, strongly believing her mother was okay. "She is the strongest witch at home, but she gets scared of loud noises, she jumps and hisses like a cat. It's rather funny, I do have a few videos of me and my brothers recording this."

Robin ooed, "You have brothers? And I'd like to see it!"

Luz summoned her scroll, unlocking it, going to the camera roll, scrolling down, showing Robin a picture. "This is my brother, the younger one. He's a demon, we aren't related but legally we are. His name is King, the owl tube, is Hooty."

Robin awhed quietly, "Awesome!"

Luz pulled the scroll back, looking for a video. After a few seconds, she clicked on it, handing it to Robin. The video played, being a distorted the first second. Luz giggled, King snickering, Hooty having extended to the ceiling.

He had two pots in his mouth, both ready to be dropped. Eda was in her PJ's, groggily making her way past the living room. She yawned, scratching her back. The pots dropped, Eda hissing, jumping up and clinging on to the wall by her. She scrambled up it to the shelf, hissing at them.

Hooty, Luz, and King laughed, coming out from their hiding places, "Luz!" Eda huffed.

"Sorry momma! Hehehe! I'll get you your potion, you wait there~" Luz cooed, the scroll being moved.

King now had it, the demon going over to Eda, pointing the camera up at her, "You're all grounded!" Eda exclaimed.

"Awh no fair!" King pouted.

"No, don't awh me! Hooty! Down!"

The tube helped her down, Eda glaring at them and the camera, before she cracked, "That was funny though-" She snickered.

"Let's do it to Lilith! She comes over in a bit-" King said, the camera shaking as he rushed to the door, about to place his claw on the handle.

The video ended there, Robin looking up at Luz, the witchling wiping a stray tear away. "Sorry sorry-" Luz sniffled. "My momma's hurt right now, and I don't know if she'll be okay.."

Robin handed the scroll back, "You do not have to share much more, thank you.."

Luz nodded slowly, "Mhm.."

"Hey..You've gone through alot, and you've made it this far.." Robin said quietly. "Your mom will be just as strong, she'll be alright.."

"Yeah..She will.."


When Luz finished the meals, it was 7:14 pm. The maids helped her set the table, the butlers getting the meals evened out for everyone, and Amity kept eyeing the calzones. When the group sat down, Noah was served first.

He got, a tiny Calzone, and a thin slice of apple blood pie. "What the ---- is this?" He hissed.

Luz put a water in front of him that was half full, then went around with the platter of drinks, placing the apple blood in front of everyone with full cups. "That's a Calzone, and apple blood pie. If you don't want it, give it to Mattias."

The dog perked up, rushing over to Noah, sniffing him out, "He good." Ay said. "I give him now."

Mattias went over to him, the butler coming over, taking the lid off the plate. "Why does the dog get better treatment then me?!" Noah exclaimed as he pointed to his tiny meal.

Ay took the plate off, "Good for dogs?" Ay asked.

Luz nodded, "Everything I make is safe for animals to eat."

Ay pat the empty chair by him, Mattias hopping up, a fancy bib being put around his neck. Luz placed the final drink in front of Amity, the human very excited, "This looks and smells so good-" Amity muttered.

Amity got the same size as everyone else, but her Calzone was relatively bigger. "Why is Amity's Calzone bigger then mine??" Emira whined.

"Because I'm her favorite." Amity said proudly.

Luz shook her head, "She made this one when I wasn't looking."

Amity shushed her, "They don't need to know that!"

The witch ruffled her hair, "Anyone else need anything?" She asked.

Alador raised his hand a bit, "Napkin, if you wouldn't mind." He said, lightly clearing his throat.

Noah raised his hand, "A bigger portion please?? This is blasphemy."

Luz ignored his comment, returning to the kitchen. She got a few napkins, returning to the group, placing the few napkins in front of Alador. "Aren't you going to eat Luz?" Willow asked.

"Oh, my mom comes home early today, I'm going to make something for her that I'll end up eating." Luz explained, summoning her scroll, checking the time, then putting it away. "I should get going anyways."

Everyone awhed sadly, except Noah, "Stay a little longer." Robin booed.

"Terribly sorry, but Camilla is the human I choose over all of you." Luz lightly shrugged. "No offense, but she is my favorite."

A hand was slammed on the table, everyone looking over. Luz went over to the human who did it, standing behind them, and whispered in their ear, "You're my real favorite, Amity." Luz whispered, taking a candy out from her overall pockets, handing it to the human.

Amity glanced up at her, Luz preten- ding to whisper to her, kissing her cheek. The plates clattered as another human slammed their hands on the table, "HEY! I SAW THAT!" Noah shouted.

Luz pulled back, heading to the door, hearing his footsteps, Amity calling out to him to stop. As he was about to tackle her, Luz waved her hand, making him freeze in his place. "I'll see you guys soon! Goodnight!" Luz turned and waved, smiling at the group.

They all waved back, Robin sighing contentedly. When Luz closed the door behind herself, Noah fell face first on the tiles, making that sound when movies make the character drag their face down a window as his rear end lowered, and he was lying flat on the ground. "I hate witches.."

To be continued.

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now