Un-honest Fraud. [64]

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Three days later,
March 11th, Saturday.

Luz had gotten very clingy, and suffice to say, Amity hated it. "Luz, please- Cariño, I have work.."

"Hug hug hug!" Luz held her arms up. "Hug."

Amity sighed, picking Luz up, rubbing her back, walking down the wall with the witch. "Amor, I have work to do, I need you to go home.."

"I love you~" Luz hummed, kissing Amity's cheek.

"I love you too Luz, but you need to-"

"Kisses~" Luz kissed Amity's head, cheek, nose, and one on her mouth.

Amity had put Luz down, drawing back, wiping her mouth. "..?" Amity looked at her hand then at Luz.

"Hm? Amity? What's wrong?" Luz asked, taking her hand.

Amity jerked back, "Wh.." Amity glared at Luz, summoning her staff, pressing it up against Luz's neck. "Who are you."

"Amor- You're hurting me--" Luz choked out.

Amity rose her hand, intending to hit Luz, and slapped her. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?" Amity shouted.

Luz panted, tearing up, snarling quietly. "I'm Luz..Amity.." Luz muttered.

"My body denies hurting my own girlfriend, and you are not her." Amity hissed, smoke exiting from her mouth. "Where. Is. Luz."

A picture by Amity fell, the glass shattering, Amity glancing down at it. "Luz-"

On the glass, Luz was reflected on it, the witch pounding on the glass. It looked like she was screaming, then the glass cracked further, Amity's phone vibrating. "What..Did you do, to Luz.."

"Cariño..You're really hurting me--" Luz choked, gripping the staff as that was the only thing supporting her on the wall. "Hicc-- Amity--" Luz's ears drooped down, the witch whimpering.

Amity glared at her, pulling back the staff, grabbing Luz by her shirt and dragging her down the hall. Her heels clacked on the tiles as she continued down the hall, Amity pushing Luz in the room. "Name."

Luz wiped her tears, feeling her throat, "Luz Clawthorne.."


"Prince, Nero, Harold, Pumpkin, Chicken, BuckBeak, Gem, Princess, Jamaica, Sophie, Quizie, Ozzie, Zef, and Big Bird, if you want, you can count Honey, Ari, and Lucky.."

Amity narrowed her eyes, "Aunt."

"Lilith Clawthorne..Auntie Lily.."



Amity closed the door, pressing her back up against it, "First thing you made for my family?"

"Technically, it was the suit.."


"Hunter's uncle.."




"Prince's boyfriend, Ay's dog.."

Amity hesitated, she was getting these right, had she actually just slapped her girlfriend? Then it clicked. One thing, if she got it.."Which Amity, were you on a date with.."

"Amanda, but it wasn't a date! I told you we were hanging out.." Luz glanced down, pulling her knees up to her chest.

Welp. She just slapped her girlfriend. Amity knelt down, patting Luz's head, then pushed her down, putting pressure on her neck. "I asked which, not her name..What, have you done, to Luz."

The witch shuffled, trying to kick at Amity, but she was weak, and Amity kept her legs down with her own. "Fine! I'll talk!" She cried out. "Just let me go..You're hurting me.."

Amity snapped, abomination goop keeping her down. "Five minutes."

"..I wanted to ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ ------." She blurted out.

Amity rose a brow, "First of all, that's gay, second of all, Luz doesn't know any of those words, lastly, why?? Like- Ew- Save that for adulthood!" Amity shuddered. "The truth, or I'll kill you."

Luz shivered, scales growing on her, Luz becoming, a basilisk. "I'm number five, I've been sent here to replace Luz. But unfortunately, I'm assuming you know what she tastes like." Five shuddered. "Which is gay."

Amity half shrugged, "She was asleep, tasted like strawberries. Also you had fish, Luz hates fish."

"Right. Anyways..Luz has..Gone home, that day when you kept asking if I was okay? Yeah, I replaced her then. You saw Luz on the glass, didn't you?"

Amity nodded, her phone vibrating again. "How."

"Multiple attempts..Several portals, many deaths..Only two work.." She swallowed. "And one of them, Boscha holds.."

Amity's phone vibrated, the human taking it out, glancing at the screen, "Ah-" She answered the call. "Luz-"

"Answer your phone! Haven't I told you to pay more attention?!"


"No! Five times!! Mala Humana!"

"Ay Luz..I'm interrogating someone.." Amity mumbled.

The witch looked away and pouted, crossing her arms, "Mala."

"Luz she's saying you went home!!"

The witch harrumphed, grumbling about Amity being a rude girlfriend. "She kissed me!" Five exclaimed.

"She what." Luz snarled.

"Luz you do the same to--"

"People you know! I don't know who the gourd you've been kissing!" Amity's phone shook violently. "I'm going to go kiss this Bria."

"Luz Clawthorne I will revoke your right to hug me."

"You're punishing yourself."

"..I'll tell Camilla--"

Luz let out a yelp, "Ah- Ama-- Wait--" The witch was dragged back, a rope being around her waist. "I'll be back-- Go to Willow!! B-Boscha is wi-" An unholy scream made Luz look to her right, then Amity's phone shut off.

It vibrated, then was scratched, her screen and phone shattering. "At least we know it's alive." Five mumbled.

Amity got up, forcing Five to stand, pushing her to the wall, "If my girlfriend isn't alive when I make it to the isles..I'll feed you to the wolf, bear, and the tiger." Amity gripped her shirt, tears rolling down her throat, Amity pushing her up against the wall again. "UNDERSTAND!?"

Five trembled, her form of Luz returning, "Yes Amity.." Five said quietly. "Just please let me go..Camilla wants to have dinner tonight.."

"No, you're telling her while I go to Willow's. You may look like Luz, but don't touch or kiss me ever again. I'm an idiot for believing you were her.." Amity dropped her. "Ghost, watch the basilisk.."

She placed her staff on the wall, Ghost hopping off it, glaring at Five. "..I can kill you for magic, little kitten.." Five muttered.

Ghost arched her back, beginning to drip with abomination goop, the cat hissing. "Threaten my cat and your chances of survival lower!!"


To be honest, for once.

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now