Thundering Clouds. [58]

108 8 6

29th, Monday.

Luz scat sang as she skipped around the school, stopping and hanging up a bird feeder. She continued her skip, humming proudly. "Doo do~ Dun da dun~" Luz hung the last one up, then smiled. "Ta-Da!~"

The witch skipped to her class, the bell ringing just in time. "Hi Ms.Willis and Hamster!" Luz said in a cheery voice. "How are you guys?"

Lucy looked up, "Heya Luz! We're both pretty good! Just finished my cleaning." Ms.Willis said, walking to her desk. "Glad you're here Luz."

The witch smiled, "I'm just glad I know people here!" Luz said, walking to her seat, right in the middle. "What are we up to today?"

"Actually Luz, I have to head home.." Ms.Willis sighed. "My sister is coming over and she's special needs, I have to be there to help her inside."

Luz ohed, "So where do I go..?"

"Well, since you're also my only student here, you can either go to the office or stay here. Spare keys are by the door, so if you do stay, lock up for me when you're done, hm?"

Luz nodded, Ms.Willis gathering her things and Hamster. She slid him in her bag, the bunny poking his head out, squeaking. Ms.Willis waved at Luz, leaving the room, the witch glancing around. "..My last and favorite class..With nothing to do..?"


Luz did her 0 periods work, as well as her other classes, and some extra credit for her English class. Luz spent some time outside reading where Lucy had a rocking chair for sunny days, til it became less sunny. Luz had gone back inside when she saw a light drizzle.

After a few more minutes, the bell rang, and students rushed to leave. Luz, couldn't. Sure, on her first date with Amity, she came home dripping wet, but because they both had slipped in to a puddle and laughed, then Luz made a bubble.

Because she still believed rain was boiling. Luz had dozed off with a bubble on her, then it wore off, so Amity had to get to Sarah's house fast! Then, there's another reason Luz couldn't leave. 'KABOOM'

*Hunter knows about the rain but not Luz's fear, he has a sixth and seventh period

Luz covered her ears, trembling, "A-Amilotl-" Luz hiccuped.

The stuffie staggered out of Luz's bag, letting out mechanical whines. It got up slowly, then sneezed, disappearing in a blink of an eye. The clouds rubbed together, creating an echoing clasp. Luz cowered under the table, covering her mouth. Another clasp of thunder.

Luz cried quietly, wanting desperately to muffle her cries. She didn't want to think of the past anymore. Luz's eyes contracted as she saw lighting strike outside, the witch being blinded for a second.

The lights flickered, then shut off, the room being darkened. Luz scrambled out of her hiding place, rushing to the lights, moving the switches. The power had gone out. Luz whimpered, opening the door, closing it in an instant when another clasp of thunder followed.

Luz scurried back to the table, using her dying phone as a flashlight. The witch pulled her hood up, covering her ears, closing her eyes, lowering her head in to her knees. "..Rain rain go away..Come again another day..Luz wants to go and play.." The witch bit her pant leg to prevent her from crying out when the sky rumbled.

She hiccuped, trembling, pulling her legs under herself. "..It's raining..It's pouring..The old man is snoring..He went to bed and bumped his head..And couldn't get up in the morning.." Luz braced herself for the next clasp. "It's snowing..It's blowing..The old man is growing..He ate so much one day for lunch..Every part of him was showing.."

'Low battery, two percent' Luz's phone warned. The witch hiccuped, feeling her phone buzz and power off. The witch looked up, biting her sleeve. Then, the door swung open. A flashlight shined around the room, landing on Luz, "Huff- Luz- Huff-" The human panted, dropping a staff, rushing over, sliding by Luz. "Kitten-"


Amity moved the flashlight up so Luz could see, "Come here Kitten, I got your headphones.." Amity panted quietly, sitting down by Luz.

The witch quickly hugged the human, crying in her chest, "It's okay Baby, it's okay.." Amity shushed her ever so softly, summoning headphones, putting them over Luz's ears.

They beeped before letting out a hum, Amity pulling her phone out. She pulled Luz up, playing the song, "It's okay Amor, shh.."

Amilotl opened the door, sliding in before it closed on it, the stuffie taking the staff over to the two. Ghost came off, shaking, then waltzing over. She nuzzled Amity's hand, purring quietly before laying down. Amity rubbed Luz's back, sighing. "I've got you.."


Luz had relaxed when the rain grew soft, Amity taking her home to make sure she would be okay. "Amor, aren't you going in?" Amity asked, handing the keys back.

"..Am I..A bother..?"

Amity grabbed Luz's chin, "Who told you, you could think like that? Who said it was okay to think me just loving you meant you were a bother?" Amity picked the witch up. "Luz, I love you, and I would do whatever it takes to ensure your safety and happiness are maxed out."

The witch kissed the humans head, nuzzling her cheek, "That's what I do for you..Am I not tiring you..? I'm not tuckering you out when I cry..?"

Amity shook her head, giving Luz a small kiss, "I love when you cry, I get to comfort you and see you at your lowest point. When you're like that, I know you trust me to help you out. And I love you for that. And I always will." Amity put her back down. "Luz Clawthorne, I have never been as happy as I've been since I've met you. You, Luz, are my source of happiness and pride."

The witch looked down, her tears wetting the pavement all over again. Amity wiped Luz's cheek, kissing her head, "Amor, te quiero tanto." Amity shook Luz gently. "Que descanses."

Luz gave the human a tight hug, kissing her cheek before thanking her, and going inside. Amity went back to her care happy and as gay as possible, very well about to make Luz gifts.

To be gift-inued.

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now