Thank you.. [4]

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Luz woke up by her scroll ringing, the witchling answering the call tiredly, waking Amity up too. Luz sat up along with Amity, both still half asleep, "Uh hello..?"

"Luz- Luz I can't- It's too strong-"

"Momma? Momma what's too strong- Momma are you alright?" Luz asked, her heart beginning to race.

Panting ensued, then an explosion that was followed with a roar, "I can't fight it- Luz- It's coming- Listen kid- I-I love you- Cam is in charge, you listen to her ya hear?- All I can do now is buy you time- I love you- I love you so so much- Just be careful with it, she's yo-" A scream. Then the call ended.

*End of flashback

Luz shot up, panting heavily, looking around the room in a panic. The mutt on her bed perked up, looking over, getting up and crawling over. Luz hiccuped, covering her mouth with the back of her hand as tears welled up in her eyes. "Luz.." The dog whimpered.

The witchling pulled her knees up to her chest, lowering her head, and crying. He got out of bed, going to the room door, opening it, and leaving. He was gone for a minute before he came back with Camilla. The human went over, rubbing the sleep from her eyes and pulling Luz over.

She hiccuped, crying in to Camilla's chest, the human shushing her very quietly, rubbing her back, "Todo estã bien Carñio.." Camilla whispered. "Ella estará bien.."

Luz whimpered, clenching on to the humans shirt, crying silently, "I-I can't Camilla- Mami could be dead- I don't-" Luz hiccuped, curling up a bit. "Eda-"

"Va a estar bien." Camilla finished. "I know she will be Mija, she's as fierce and hard to beat as you Luz. Edalyn will be okay."

The mutt dropped a phone on the bed, Camilla taking it, "Are you staying home today..?" The dog barked.

"..No..I-I should go get ready.." Luz said quietly, wiping her eyes. "Thank you two for comforting me..But I need to get ready.."

Camilla kissed her head, "If you want to come home, you can. Just call me and I'll pick you up, we'll go to your favorite place after work." Camilla said.

Luz nodded slowly, pointing to her cheek, Camilla kissing her there, "That does sound nice.." Luz mumbled.

"We'll get ice cream too, and invite Joey."

Luz nodded a bit faster, "Getting better.."

"And Grace."



Luz stayed the entire day at school so she could get in some Amity time, get more of the gym decorated, and did some convincing to add more safe and inclusive wheelchair seats. It got started on immediately, since Mr.Green the principal, had a friend who did this type of stuff.

So by tomorrow, the ramps would be installed and ready. After school, Cam picked Luz up with Joey and Grace, then they all went to chimichanga subs. After they ate, they went to go get ice cream. "So you're Grace." Joey said, licking their ice cream.


"And you work for Cheryl?"


Joey hummed, licking his ice cream, "I know her. She's my cousin."

"Oh- Heh- Small world-"

"Grace, do you know Soup?" Luz asked, just recalling they had the same last name.

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now