Hidden in the Woods. [35 part 2]

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During the walk, the group stumbled across an in use campsite. "Seconds?" Spencer questioned, holding up his spoon.

Honey bellowed, Spencer pointing to her, "Extra sauce?"

She nodded, Spencer clicking his tounge and going back to the bonfire. Alex came out of his tent, walking over to Spencer, "Babe, Christine just called. She's wondering if you wanted to stay over tommorow so you two can have a pals night."

"I thought we were hanging out." Spencer frowned.

Alex nodded, "It's from ten to three pm Spence, Christine wants to hang out from five to mine pm. If you want to, that is."

Spencer hummed, "I will, ask her what I need to bring."

Alex kissed Spencer's cheek, "Bring me another bowl hm?"

"Mhm, just let me get Honey's first." Spencer said, picking up a bowl.

Alex retreated to the tent, Spencer filling his bowl with broth, going over to Honey. He poured it in her bowl, placing two packets down by her. She looked over at Amity with big puppy eyes, the Blight sighing. "I just taught you how."

"Help this bear Human.."

Amity groaned, taking the packets, opening them up, squeezing the contents in to Honey's bowl. "Don't ask again."

Honey licked up the broth, pulling it closer with her paws, slurping loudly. Pharaoh came out of his tent, Elliot coming out with him, looking around. "Spencer, after dinner, time for bed. We gotta move on early tommorow." Elliot nodded to their son.

"Got it Nopa, in a few minutes."

Pharaoh walked over, sitting by Honey, "So. Parenting am I right?"

She pulled back from her bowl, "Do not get me started! Kids are so difficult to handle!" She shook her head dramatically, rolling her eyes.

"Right? Either they listen but don't follow your instructions or follow your instructions incorrectly!"

"Thank you!"


Amity tugged at Luz's sleeve, "Bed.."

"The books getting good Amity-" Luz swat the human away. "In a minute-"

"Bed.." Amity tugged at Luz's sleeve again. "Please.."

Luz turned the page, sliding her book mark in, closing and putting her book down. Amity pulled Luz down in an instant, pulling her close, snuggling up to the witchling. "G'night Luz.."

"Night night Amity." The witchling kissed the humans forehead.


Amity yawned as she randomly awoke, sitting up. "Nuh..?" Amity rubbed her head, yawning again.

The human layed back down, about to put her arm over Luz- "Where is she-" Amity sat back up, looking around the tent frantically looking around.

Amity scrambled out, slipping her shoes on, getting up and examining the area. "Luz?" Amity whisper shouted.

The bushes rustled, Amity sprinting over, checking them. Just a flipping bunny. It scrambled away, before it cried out, falling silent. "No don't scare it! That's very rude!"

Luz. Amity went through the bushes, the glow of a flashlight illuminating through a bush. "Luz!"

The witch, wolf, and bunny looked over, "Hi Amity!!" Luz waved and smiled. "Look who I found!"

"The wolf that's been trying to eat Lucky yeah I see it." Amity hissed.

The wolf snarled, barking. The bunny slipped in between the wolf's legs, trembling. "It's eat or be eaten, human." The wolf growled.

"Yes I know that. But a cub? How desperate are you?"

It drew back. "I'm not desperate. I'm surviving."

"Then eat that bunny."

It paused. "He's not being eaten."

"Then are you really surviving?"

The wolf snarled, "Listen here you little-"

Luz bapped it's head, "That's my girlfriend. Stop being mean to her."

The wolf picked up the bunny very carefully, placing it on her back. The bunny fluffed up, getting on her head, squeaking. "Hungry? Yeah I could go for some midnight snacks."

He pat the wolf's head, squeaking, the wolf trotting to the bushes. "Be back by dawn, we'll be having a big breakfast."

She nodded, jumping over a fallen log and rushing through the trees. Amity grabbed Luz's wrist, dragging her back to the tent. Luz was pushed in, falling on her makeshift bed that did cushion her fall, Amity falling on top of her. "Don't leave like that without telling me.." Amity muttered, pushing herself up slightly, nuzzling in to the crook of Luz's neck.

The witch rubbed her back, sighing, "I know, I'm sorry. But I was only gone for eight minutes.."

Amity hummed, pulling the blanket over herself, "..It's okay, you get to decide what you want to do without me..I'm not allowed to control all of your actions."

"Then can you get off?"

"No, you're my heater tonight." Amity squeezed her witch.

Luz continued rubbing Amity's back, purring quietly, "It is only fair." Luz mumbled.

"I love you."

"I know~"

Amity giggled, "Doofus..G'night."

"Night night Blight."

"You're such an idiot-"

"Your idiot." Luz corrected.

"My idiot, now go to sleep!"

To be reawakened at dawn.

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now