Hehe..Pee.. [7]

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*Small note, no hate near the end please, what I write will happen eventually

After school, Thursday, at a cafe. Luz sipped on her tea, carefully placing it back down on the plate, sighing quietly in relief. "Luz?"

The witch cracked open her eyes, looking up at the human, "Yes Amity?"

She sat up, "Do you remember things you learned when you were younger? Or at least things you like to recall?" Amity asked.

Luz rose a brow, "Why such sudden questions?"

Amity shrugged, "Just occured to me is all."

Luz hummed, thinking of how to resp- ond. "I only rethink of my past from the age of two, up until now. I know the day I was adopted, how I met Eda, Pat was a nice man, I also remember how I met Boscha." Luz said, lifting up her cup of tea.

She took a sip, then placed it back down again, "Care to tell?"

Luz closed her eyes, taking a small breath, "It's a long story."

Amity moved her plate aside, placing her arms on the table, resting her head on them, "When have I ever avoided a backstory?"

Twelve years ago

On a sunny day, when everyone had woken up, they were blinded. As in, a curse was put on everyone on the isles. Why you ask? There were what witches called, Painbows, out. If you looked at it, you'd be turned inside out, so everyone had to be blinded.

On this day, Luz, who was only two and a half, had been taken to school by her grandmother. The old witch knew her way as she was already blind, so she walked with Luz to get her to class. But since no one can see, you could be friends with anyone you'd like.

Luz had bunked in to a witch when she was dropped off, that witch being a bit rude at first. "Cwatch qwit!" She hissed.

*Watch it!


The girl felt around, finding Luz's hand, "You hwit mwe!"




*I'll just put regular speech in, but they're speaking with slurred words

The girl fell silent, "Am I talking to another mannequin?"

Luz gently shook her hand, the girl yelping, pulling back. "Penny? Is that you?" The girl asked.

She gently took Luz's hand again, Luz staying silent, as she usually did. "No your hands are too rough. Penny never gets cuts on her hands. Who are you?"

Luz opened up her palm, making her point, then drew her name on her own arm. "Luau. Okay Luau, I'm Boscha."

Luau facepalmed, drawing her hand again, slower. "Lulu?"

Again. "Layla?"

Repeat. "Lauren?"

Once more. "Lucky."

You little- Again! "Light."

Luz paused, eh, close enough. Boscha pulled back, holding on to Luz's hand, "Well Light, you'll be my servant for the day or until the Painbow goes away. Take me to my seat!"

Oh boy..


The blinding lasted for about two hours, Luz was still with Boscha, the crimson haired witch just gazing at Luz while the witchling ate quietl- "Wait wait wait-" Amity cut in.

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now