Aaaaand we're back! [15 part 3]

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Amity was content with the dessert even though it was about time for lunch. "This is so good~~" Amity cooed.

Luz huffed, "You got the last scoops of dark carob chip mix.."

Amity took Luz's small bowl, handing the witch her own, "It's fair now, how did you find about carob chips anyways Luz?" Amity asked, taking her spoon back, returning Luz's.

The witch licked off the ice cream on her spoon, "Mama sells human stuff she brings back, I do the searches for any life forms, money, books, and food. At first I had believed it was chocolate, Lily loves that stuff. So I gave it to her, til she tried it, and threw up."

Amity scooped up the carob ice cream carefully, quickly licking off the now dripping ice cream. "Why'd you eat it then if she hated it?"

Luz glanced away, "I know it is very rude to say things behind others backs, but Lily tends to be..Dramatic."

Amity ohed, "Y'know I had the same impression of her as well. Keep going. Before I ask for more ice cream."

Luz hovered her hand over Amity's bowl, then snapped. An ice ball formed around it, "Wha-- Luz!"

"There, now I have more time to explai-"

Amity took Luz's, sticking her tounge out at the witch, "Rude.."

The human put the now melting ice ball aside, eating Luz's ice cream, "Okay keep going."

Luz sighed, "I tried the carob chips when Lilith went to throw up, they were amazing! First thing I made with them were carob cupcakes. King loved them, he liked it better then chocolate, momma thought it was bitter."

"It's delicious." Amity scoffed. "Your mom has horrible taste."

"She picked me out of the seventeen other kids during adoption."

Amity paused, "In food."

Luz's ears perked up, the witch looking around, "What? What d-"

The witch shushed her, getting up. Luz went to Eda's nest, the little taps she heard getting louder. Luz pulled the blankets aside, the feathers, the rat bones-- "Owlbert!" Luz exclaimed, picking up the small owl.

It chirped, nuzzling Luz's palm, "I thought you were with the others!"

He flew up to Luz's shoulder, preening her hair, chirping. "Hm? I did grow it out, thank you for noticing!"

Owlbert chirped, Luz going back to her nest, sitting by Amity. "Did you see or visit Eda?"

He scratched his chin with his talon, chirping quietly, then nodding. "Did she look okay? Is she still alive??"

Owlbert flew down to Luz's knee, cooing. He then jumped up, a stick being moved under him, then he turned to wood. "What just--"

"Palisman. He's Eda's, this is the dormant stage." Luz said, carefully putting it down. "Sometimes, he switches from me to Eda, he never stays consistent."

Amity felt the staff, "This is what I'll end up getting one day?"

Luz nodded, "I'll get my own too, but I feel as though it was unfair as I had to go through school, and you had me teach you."

"Well this just shows you're a great teacher." Amity said, leaning against Luz. "You could do alot with teaching, Luz."


"Believe it or not, you actually taught me how to hug."

Luz sat properly, Amity resting her head on the witches shoulder, the human linking her arm around Luz's. "Did I do a good job?" Luz asked.

Amity nodded, "You're still alot better then I am."

"Years of practice gets you there." Luz said proudly.

Amity giggled, "Hey, shouldn't we be heading home?"

Luz lightly shrugged, "If you want. I already got my magic, so we can leave the same way we came."

Amity pushed Luz down, getting over her, "The nest is comfortable, we can stay just a little longer.."

Luz put her hand on Amity's back, the human laying on the witch, getting comfy. "Purr for me, please?"

"I can't force it you know.."

Amity pulled the blanket over, putting it over herself as if she went any higher she'd probably suffocate under it from the heat. "Then just, stay?"

Luz ran her hand through Amity's hair, the human relaxing, "Okay.."


When Amity woke up after her very nice nap, she was at home, in her room. Amity sat up in a panic, quickly looking around, "Luz?"

The bathroom door opened, Viney coming out, "You're not Luz." The human muttered. "Get out!"

"Geez! You're so rude!" Viney huffed, going to the door. "Luz just wanted me to make sure you were comfy because she's making you dinner! You don't deserve the calzones."

Amity gasped, "Wait I'm sorry-- Don't tell Luz-"

Viney opened the door, "Tell me Em's favorite color and this will be our secret."

Amity paused, "Light blue or orange. She likes your spikey hair thing so probably orange-."

Viney pat the door, nodding, "Tell no one."

"Got it."

Viney snuck out of the room, closing the door behind herself, Amity laying back down. Til, she recognized a scent. Luz commonly used cinnamon perfume or lemon, today, was lemon. Luz had been laying by Amity, no doubt about it, and the human had figured it out.

Amity uses cherry, cherry everything. Cherry flavored chapstick, cherry scented perfume, hair conditioner, shampoo, soap, even cherry scented laundry detergent! She stays consiste- nt. Until Luz is involved.

But Chrys? Why do you write that? Well, when Luz is involved in any topic or thing Amity is in, or literally does anything to contact Amity, the human will drop everything, reply back, or go with Luz. The witch is the only thing that makes Amity do her deeds. If Luz wanted Amity to, she could make the human murder someone.

But, back to the point-- Amity is never consistent with Luz, matching socks with clothing? No. Luz likes new and interesting, this will absolutely catch her attention. Change in hair? Luz will ask questions and say Titan knows what, but Amity will stay inconsistent with Luz.

The door creaked open, Amity quickly sitting up, looking over. She huffed, laying back down, "Wow. Okay. I bring you lunch and you do that?" Willow scoffed. "Do you want it or not?"

"Only if Luz brings it.."

Willow rolled her eyes, leaving the room, closing the door, her footsteps fading. After a minute or two, the door opened again, Amity looking over, groaning, "I don't want it from you!"

"You made her cry." Willow said softly, going over.

"Wait I did what--" Amity got up.

Willow nodded, placing the bed tray over Amity, "You declined."


"Boscha told me that Luz gets upset when you decline." Willow said, taking a step back. "You declined."

Amity moved the bed tray aside, "I-I didn't mean to!"

Willow lightly shrugged, "You still made her cry."

The human shot up, quickly leaving the room, Willow taking her Calzone. "Lying is so easy.."

To be continued.

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now