UnDead. [61 part 4]

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Silence. After the spell was completed, Grace stared at Venom's healed body, gazing at him. Waiting. Luz left to go bring Grace some food, but it became too long for a familiar to have not returned to its senses. "Grace..He's.."

"Coming back..Venom takes his time, Luz.." Grace muttered, squeezing his paw. "H-He'll be fine!"

The witchling sighed quietly, placing the pudding down, and walking out.
Grace bit her nails, her foot tapping on the floor. She cried quietly, what if Luz was right? The spell didn't work? Venom was truly gone now-- *Bee deep, bee deep--* The sound quickened, Grace perking up.

Venom scrunched up his nose, then hid it in his pillow, growling quietly. "Bright.."

Saph scampered in, Luz slipping in, picking up the bunny. "OhMyGosh--" Grace clenched her shirt. "You--"

Venom panted quietly, glancing up at Grace. "D..Did I die..?"

Saph cried out, biting Luz's thumb, wiggling out of her grasp and jumping on to the bed, nuzzling Venom. She nuzzled him more than ever, being careful where she knew he was sore at. "Oh no-- The house--" Venom sat up, a bit too quickly, his head beginning to hurt.

"It's okay, Venom. All that matters is that you, Sapphire, and Mr.Noodles are okay--"

"I-I didn't get my papers--"

"My aunt is great at foraging letters, also we have Amity." Luz blurted out.

Venom paused, then nodded. "I did forget about her yeah--"

Grace hugged Venom, Saph being very upset with her now. "I don't care if people will be upset with you anymore Venom, we'll go visit stores you want to, okay?"

The familiar paused, "Uh- Okay..?"

"We do need to find a place first though-"

"I wi-" Cheryl came in. "I will." Luz cut in.

Cheryl frowned, Luz smiling sweetly. "We have extra rooms, clothing, we could even-"

"No." Amity walked in, going over to Luz. "Cariño, you haven't even paid off your own debt."

"I will eventually."


"I got this Amity."

The Blight covered the Clawthorne's mouth, nodding to Cheryl. "You can stay with me Grace, I don't mind the extra company."

Venom nodded, "And, this would be the perfect time for you two to be official. Love the way you're thinking Cher, smart lady." Venom gave her finger guns, clicking his tounge, then jumped off the bed. "Saph and I are going to go have a talk, so see y- AH-"

He was pulled back by the tubes and wires attached to his body, "Oh, duh."


Venom had testing to make sure his vision, and body were in good health. Luz did her own tests with his forms and made it official that Venom was Grace's familiar. "So much in one day, my body is dead." Luz poked Venom's cheek. "Don't scare us like that."

The familiar took a bite out of the sandwich Luz made for him, his tail making a wave motion on the floor. "I like this, what is it?" He asked.

"Ah, ham and turkey with mayo. I love mayo, do you like it?"

Venom nodded, taking another bite, his frills making little waves as he shivered. Luz scratched his head, the familiar leaning back on her hand. "I feel like you have dogs.."

Luz scrambled up, "I FORGOT TO CALL AY!"


"Kitty~ Such a cute kitty~" Luz cooed, rubbing Ghost's ears. "I love you my little Ghostie~"

The cat purred, mewing softly, "Mew~ Purr!~ Qwirr~"

Luz kissed Ghost's nose, "I love you so much~"

Amity clicked her tounge, glaring at her palisman. Ghost gave Amity a smug grin, licking Luz's cheek, the witch giggling. Amity got up, going over to the two, taking Ghost from Luz. "Hey- Wha- Ghost--"

The cat yowled, hissing, shaking violently in Amity's grasp. Amity threw her palisman back, Ghost colliding with the bush. Outside. She was thrown out the flipping window. Amity got over Luz, the witch sighing, "I was loving Ghost, Amity.."

"And now you're loving me."

Luz cupped Amity's face, running one hand through the human's hair. Ghost entered the house, snarling quietly, going over to them. "Such a beautiful human~" Luz cooed, gently scratching Amity's head.

The Blight leaned in to her palm, humming quietly. "Is this what you feel like when I pet you..?" Amity let out a small huff, lowering her head.

"It feels a lot better than you think huh Cariño?"

Amity laid her head down on Luz's chest, relaxing, "A lot better.."

To be comfortable, again.

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now