The funeral. [29]

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Three days later..

"Today. We lost a friend." The priest muttered. "I say good riddance."

The crowd chuckled and laughed, a pound coming on the container. "Let me out you @$$holes!"

"It stinks in here!" The girl from the Spencer and Alex episode cried out.

Amity nuzzled Luz's cheek, "It's alright to cry." The human whispered. "I might as well."

Luz covered her mouth, "I-I'm sorry- The girls funny bikini poster thing we put over him-" Luz wiped her tears. "I can't stop crying-"

"Now, a moment of silence.." The priest waited a few seconds. "Okay I think that's it, hallelujah."

I don't know what hallelujah means it just came to mind so it stays-

The crowd got up, murmuring amongst eachother, heading to the lunch area. "The pasta smelled really good, should we.."

"May Noah rest in peace..In hell.."

"There's a dog!"

"Who's funeral is this again?"


Luz purred quietly, "It turned out well Amity.."

"Eh..I would've changed a few things here and there.."

"Oh? Like what?"

Amity leaned her head against Luz's, "I would've made the thing sound proof at least.."

"Yeah. I can hear everything. Now let me the ---- out!"

The doors opened, Sarah coming over, patting Amity's shoulder, "People are getting ready to leave, don't got the time to mess with him. So kiss Luz goodbye because we're getting ready."

Confused, Amity let Luz's hand go, "To get ready for what.."

"Silly, I told you yesterday!"

Amity paused, then kept Luz down, "I don't want you to go-"

"Only five days."

"But I can't leave you for that long.."

Luz kissed Amity's forehead, "I love you, I'll see you Thursday afternoon Amity."

"It's Saturday- Thursday is super far away- And I don't trust Lupita!"

"You haven't even met her! Besides, if you think I'm going to like her, I already got over it. And I have you! You're the best I can ever have." Luz got up, kissing Amity briefly. "Come on Sarah."

"Great now that's over- Let me out!!"


"Off to a plane! Off to a plane. We're off to a plane." Luz hummed, skipping with her suitcase in tow. "Off to a plane to get churros!!"

"Yay churros!" Prince yipped. "Mattias isn't this fun?"

"No. It isn't." He squeaked, his fur no longer as thick and fluffy as he liked it to be. "I'm a bunny."

Prince nuzzled the very tiny bunny, Mattias swatting him away, "It's just for a few hours." Prince attempted to nuzzle Mattias again. "Promise."

The bunny pouted, Prince licking his head, moving his fur back. "Awh so cute!" A little girl exclaimed, crouching down in front of the cage. "Hi little guys!"

Nero glanced up, rolling over, nearly hitting Rose, the kitty flipping over as well. "Watch it.." Rose mewed tiredly.

"My bad.." Nero purred, his tail slowly wrapping around Rose's.

The girl awhed again, poking her index finger in, Mattias swatting it away, "Mattias, don't be rude." Luz warned.

He hopped under Prince, glaring at the girl, "She's pointing, at me! I do not condemn this."

"Oh- We're leaving, Nero you gotta stay up for this part." Luz lightly knocked on the crate.

Rose and Nero hissed quietly, both lazily getting up, the travel carrier now being wheeled away. The girl pouted, then began crying to her dad, screaming that she wanted the animals to be taken and given to her.

"Mom, why isn't Sarah holding any bags?" Joey asked Camilla.

"Because these idiots won't let my hands go." Sarah barked, trying to pull her hands free.

Elizabeth and Constance on grabbed her hands again, "Am I an idiot mom?" Zach asked, knocking lightly on Sarah's head.


Camilla shushed them, handing the man their tickets and passports. He looked over and scanned them quickly, "Luz Noceda..Free upgrade." He hummed. "Business."

"I'm alright. Maybe save that for another flight." Luz explained.

He paused, "Stuffies are on board, as well as.." He squinted to read what the file said. "Amity?"

Luz facepalmed, "I told her not to come.."

"Should we kick her off the plane?"

Luz grabbed her ticket and passport, wheeling the cart and luggage to the door, "No..Just leave her.."

The witch grumbled quietly, waiting for the guy to allow the pets access to be let out of the cage, then she went to her seat. There she be! Our dearest, Amity! "And you say I'm clingy!" Luz exclaimed.

"It's been six hours!!" Amity huffed.

"You've been banned from cuddling the entire trip." Luz muttered. "Prince with Mattias, take middle. Nero, Rose, you two go with Zach."

Prince helped Mattias on the chair, taking the middle seat, Luz taking aisle, Camilla sitting in the aisle seat by her with Joey and Bailey. Sarah, Elizabeth, Constance, and Zach got the row in front of them, and the cats. Ay was going to come, but he's in his private jet, so..Yeah.

Eventually, everyone boarded, then soon enough, they were in the air. Luz cuddled with Amilotl and Bungii, the stuffies being small heaters at the moment. "Z." Prince barked.

"..Again." Amity huffed.


"One more time?"



Prince's tail wagged swiftly, "Yeah you got it! That's the language! You learned everything!" Prince yipped.

"Well I still need to learn the rest of the fruits, a few animals, and the word because."

Prince let out a small whine, "Okay let's try a few more! Pineapple."

To be smoothed over.

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now