The second the group reached the hotel, Luz had checked her room first, which she now had to share with Amity and the pets, put her stuff away, then told Camilla she was going to be out for a bit. "Okay but take Nero or Prince with you!" Camilla called out after her."Come on Rose!"
The kitten jumped, panicking for a second before she rushed after Luz, the witch going down the stairs. Rose jumped on to Luz's head, the witch jogging down the street and to the Mercado. It's only ten minutes away from closing. Luz rushed inside, going up the stairs, then ran to the store she recognized.
Still open. "Lupita!"
The Latinx perked up, looking back and smiling. "Luz!" She rushed out from behind the counter, jumping in to Luz's grasp and hugging her. "It's been awhile! How have you been? How long are you staying?"
"I've been great! I'm staying for five days, til the thirteenth. How have you been? Also this is Rose, she's Nero's girlfriend." Luz blurted out.
Lupita pulled back, petting Rose, "I've been alright, Preciosa got sick over the week. She's been getting tummy aches all week." Lupita sighed. "She won't take her medicine, but she's healing well."
Luz pouted, "Put it in tamarindo, it worked with Prince."
Lupita hummed, "I'll think about it. By the way, who's the girl pointing a knife at me?"
Luz sighed, "That's Amity. She's my girlfriend." Luz looked back. "I told you I was visiting my friend.."
"Well I told you not to go out so late so we don't have to reenact the day we met."
Luz let Lupita go, walking to Amity, hugging her. "Kinda glad it happened.. I didn't realize it then, but I met the most amazing person that day."
Amity hummed, sliding the knife back in to its place. On her thigh. Viney really rubbed off on her- Luz let Amity kiss her cheek a few times, the witch purring quietly, "Well, this is cute." Lupita cut in, her accent seeping through. "But I have to close in a bit, so either get what you want or let's go."
Luz pulled back, "Can you make a raspado?"
Luz leaned her head against Amity's, gently squeezing the humans hand. "I actually like this, alot." Amity said quietly, moving the shaved ice around in the flavoring. "What was it called?"
"A raspado. It's like a slushy." Lupita chimed in. "Gracias, for the huge tip."
Rose mewed, "The benefits of rich people. Right Flor?"
The cat nodded once, "They are very interesting." She purred.
"I might be in a relationship- But uh-" Rose glanced down. "Want to hang out sometime?"
Flor got up, nuzzling under Rose's chin, her tail grazing the kittens cheek. "Your gatitio tried the same thing. But I..Rather not get in to a party." Flor purred. "Ya tengo mi amor."
"I uh- Didn't get that- Can you do that like- Eight more times-" Rose purred loudly.
"Rose.." Luz mumbled. "Go back to the hotel..No more flirting.."
The witch yawned, side nuzzling in to Amity's shoulder, "Once I finish this, we can head back, okay?" Amity spoke.
Luz shook her head, "Place closes..In.. Four minutes.."
Lupita checked her Hombre-Araña watch, confirming Luz's words. "Ya, vamanos." Lupita got up. "Luz won't last another minute if she sits."
Amity handed her cup to Lupita while she got up, getting Luz on her back, the witch already dozing off. "Hold on will you?"

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5
FanfictionMaxed out on parts in first one, welcome, to the 1.5 book, of Weirdos Stick Together. Glad to have you back readers, but let's get right in to the description. EPISODES 1-80 WRITTEN BEFORE SEASON 2B Luz Clawthorne, a witchling, banished from her wo...