Luz purred loudly as the nice warm sun hit her skin, the better part? She couldn't get sunburnt. "Luz, put your towel over yourself." Amity sighed.
The witch felt for it, putting it over her lower half, her purrs fading. "It's too hot now.."
"You can take it off now, the guy just walked off." Amity turned the page in her magazine. "Geez I'm everywhere now.."
Lupita kicked Luz in to the water, jumping in by the witch, "Come on! I wanted to splash you the second we met now I'm going to do it in front of your girlfriend and risk dying!" Lupita exclaimed.
Luz shook her head, splashing Lupita, "Amity did my hair this morning!!" Luz huffed, dousing Lupita's hair in the cold water. "Suffer with the very refreshing water going down your back!"
Lupita cried out as the cold water slid down her very warm back, "Ay! Tan frio que es!!"
Prince jumped in by Lupita, getting out and jumping in by her again. He yipped, "Mattias come help me!"
Mattias rolled his eyes, getting up and jumping in at the same time as Prince. Lupita fell forward, Nero pouncing on her head to keep her down a second longer before retreating to Rose. Ay coughed loudly, finally arriving with the expensive meal. "Sorry late, food was hard to find." Ay huffed. "Has Bruce arrived yet?"
Luz perked up, "Bruce is coming?"
Ay nodded, "Sister vacation too. She bring Bruce like always."
"Third time's always the charm."
"Brucie!!" Luz exclaimed. "Come here come here!"
He purred loudly, his heavy footsteps nearing Luz, the tiger nuzzling the witch. "Have you confessed yet.." He purred.
"To who? Amity?" Luz asked, scratching his chin. "She's my girlfriend."
Bruce paused. "What- Don't believe you." He hissed quietly.
Amity sat down by Bruce, scratching his head, "Hey buddy."
"Yeah hi- Luz did you get the human bites?" Bruce hissed, lifting Luz's head up with his snout.
"Amity gave them to me-" Luz pushed him back a bit. "Well I asked-"
Bruce snarled, glaring up at Amity, "I know how to break your jaw as well, Bruce." Amity hissed.
He huffed, getting in the water, "I need to cool off.." He snarled.
Luz grabbed on to his fur, the tiger paddling about, scaring the life out of Lupita. Bruce pulled up a bit, licking Luz's cheek, "Changed your hair.."
"I did, thank you for noticing." Luz wiped her cheek, kissing Bruce's nose.
He chuffed, blowing lightly on Luz's face, "Your hairs a mess though..I feel the need to fix it.."
Luz sat at the little shallow part, Bruce examining Luz's hair before licking it. He nudged it up, licking a different side, moving it to the side. It took a few minutes for him to finish, Luz's hair being the way Amity made it this morning. "There." Bruce bellowed, nuzzling Luz.
The witch hugged him, purring quietly, "Thanks Brucie."
He chuffed, getting out of the water with Luz, laying on his back with her. "Purrrrrrrr~"
Luz giggled, feeling Bruce's fur, the tiger purring even louder. "Big kitty cat."
"Bruce ten cuidado." Camilla spoke.
He looked around, growling at the human trying to get past. It was a man, who was wearing pants and a nice shirt, holding a drink. The man walked in to the water, swimming to the other side, scurrying away. Luz got off Bruce, the tiger following suit, shaking himself off.

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5
FanfictionMaxed out on parts in first one, welcome, to the 1.5 book, of Weirdos Stick Together. Glad to have you back readers, but let's get right in to the description. EPISODES 1-80 WRITTEN BEFORE SEASON 2B Luz Clawthorne, a witchling, banished from her wo...