Spencer groggily opened his eyes, glancing around his room, sitting up. He yawned, stretched out his arms and got out of bed. "Alexander is my boyfriend whom I love very much.." He grumbled, picking up the pencil on his desk, checking off two things on his calendar.He yawned again, going to his closet, taking his clothes out. "Aaanndd I'm tired.." Spencer slumped forward, dragging his clothes to his restroom. "Gotta shower.."
"I'm heading out!" Spencer exclaimed, grabbing his jacket.
"Be careful!" Pharaoh, his dad, called back.
"Love you kid!" Elliot, his Nopa, shouted.
Spencer stepped out of the house, closing the door behind himself, walking out to the car in front, getting in. "My future husband~" Alex cooed, hugging Spencer. "How are you~"
"Doofus, I'm good. Is Bear doing better now?" Spencer asked, carefully pushing Alex back, putting his seatbelt on.
Alex put his seatbelt on after he moved a seat closer to Spencer, then nodded, "He's okay, left the house this morning, had white fur on him when he came for his meal."
"Went to to see Rose?"
"Yeeeep." Their driver, a female, said, turning on her blinkers.
"Thanks Christine, you going to watch a movie too?"
The girl shook her head, "Boyfriend is out for work, I'll have nothing to do, so I'm taking my friend's shift for today." Christine said, pulling on to the next lane. "What are you two watching?"
Spencer paused, "What were we going to watch again?"
"Love Si-mon."
"Right yeah- That, it came out again and we're going to watch it." Spencer said.
Alex leaned against Spencer, taking his hand, "You're so clingy today, what did you do?"
"Wha-" Alex scoffed. "I can't show you I love you?"
"Last time you did this you came clean telling me you- Oh."
"You forgot too!!" Alex huffed.
"Well no not entirely- Wait, Christie Chris, what's today?"
"The third."
Spencer felt his finger tips as he counted to himself, "No we were both stupid- It's on the fourteenth- It's on Valentine's day-"
Alex facepalmed, Spencer kissing his cheek, "You overthought the day we met and when you asked me out, that's so cute~"
Spencer kissed his cheek multiple times, Alex being very smug about it to his sister. "Yeah yeah, you're gay, I get it." Christine gagged, already very supplied on gay for the day.
Alex kissed Spencer's cheek, "I love you my very amazing boyfriend~"
"I love you my precious boyfriend~" Spencer kissed Alex. "So much~"
"Quit it before I kick you out my car." Christine threatend. "Not that it matters now anyways.."
She parked, glancing back at them, "I love you~" Alex cooed.
"No I love you~" Spencer hummed.
"I love you more~"
"Get out!" Christine exclaimed.
Alex mocked his sister, giving Spencer a kiss before removing his seatbelt and getting out. Spencer unclipped his seatbelt, exiting the car, "Thanks straight."
"Get outta here homos."
Spencer and Alex closed their doors, waving at Christine and heading to the theatre. Alex took Spencer's hand, giving him a peck on his cheek, "I'll always love you more~~"
"No, Luz will always love us more." Spencer hummed.
"You're right, but since she's not here right now, I'm going to love you more then she does." Alex kissed Spencer again.
Yuck. Even I'm getting grossed out with all the kisses. #SinglePringle
Ha. Being gay got Alex a bug bite- If you know what I mean, you're either popular, or gay. Probably gay. "Why would you do that-?!" Alex whisper shouted, covering his neck.
"Hey, you asked for one twenty eight times during the movie." Spencer shrugged. "It's not even as bad as the ones you gave me!"
Spencer pulled down on his shirt slightly, revealing many bug bites. "Oh my bad-"
"Uh- That's not it-" Spencer chuckled. "There's more."
He pulled his shirt down a bit lower, then moved to his shoulders, then showed his hand, "Well now people will know I love you."
Spencer fixed his shirt, glancing behind Alex, "Is that Luz?"
Alex looked back, it was in fact, Luz. "Is she kissing Amity-?"
"Oh my gay she is-" Spencer pat Alex's head multiple times, quickly going over.
"Babe!!" Alex called out after him. "No running!!"
Spencer changed to a skip, then hugged Luz from behind after she pulled away from Amity. The witch let out a quick yelp, then looked back. "Spencer!" Luz smiled up at him. "How are you?"
"Gurl you know I'm always happy, at least when I have my very amazing boyfriend around." Spencer pulled back, taking Alex's hand as he finally came.
Amity pulled Luz over, the witchling getting nervous. Yes their date did go well, it went better then well! But Luz was still uneasy of their relationship. First date, first actual kiss, and, their first confession. Amity nuzzled Luz's cheek, the witch purring loudly, "Don't make me purr.." Luz said quietly.
"Do you still want the ice cream?" Amity asked softly, pulling back a bit, taking Luz's hand.
The witchling mumbled something neither Spencer nor Alex could hear, but Amity did. The human whispered back, Luz nodding slowly, then Amity asked her a question before pulling back. "We best be going now, Luz wants to do something, see you guys soon." Amity waved. "Come on."
*Luz just asked if they could cuddle instead, but she was really nervous since she's never asked
Luz side nuzzled in to Amity's arm while wrapping her own around it, purring quietly. "There goes wanting to talk about their date." Spencer frowned.
"Well, we're still on ours." Alex said in a flirtatious tone. "Want to go tease Christine at her job?"
"Oh my gosh," Spencer said sarcastically. "You know me so well."
Yay! Time for some froyo! To be continued!

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5
FanficMaxed out on parts in first one, welcome, to the 1.5 book, of Weirdos Stick Together. Glad to have you back readers, but let's get right in to the description. EPISODES 1-80 WRITTEN BEFORE SEASON 2B Luz Clawthorne, a witchling, banished from her wo...