The breakup. [50]

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Amity finished around ten, then went back to her room, where Luz was in her nest, making sure Harold would sleep tonight. He snuggled under Bruce's paw, chirping quietly, Luz carefully patting his head. "Night buddy.."

Luz quietly got up, looking over at Amity. "Want to talk..?"

"I uhm..I think that would.." Amity spoke softly. "Okay.."

Luz went over, taking Amity's hand, walking out of the room with her. Luz sat down, Amity sitting by her, "I'm sorry for being rude earlier, I'm not usually one to get mad or upset when someone hugs me. But you're very clingy.."

Amity nodded slowly, wiping her face quickly. "Sorry.."

"What are you apologizing for? It was my fault. I did come off very rude." Luz caressed Amity's cheek. "Just tone it down a bit okay? I'm claustrophobic Amity..I hate tight spaces..Hug me too tight and I'll start panicking, so go easy on me alright?"

Amity nodded, putting her hand over Luz's, nuzzling in to her palm. "Can.. Can we talk somewhere..More private please..?"


Luz shivered as the chilly breeze swept her way, Amity looking around nervously. "Want to get some hot cocoa?" Luz asked with a shaky breath.

Amity shook her head slowly. "Luz.."


"Uhm..Y-You know how I.." Amity swallowed. "Couldn't tell you a lot of stuff..?"

Luz nodded, rubbing her palms together, "I do."

Amity stopped, sitting at a bench, Luz sitting by her. "It's..It's my mom.."

"Oh? Is she okay?" Luz asked.

"No..No she isn't.."

Luz perked up. "What's wrong?"

Amity teared up. "Sh-She's insane- Luz-" Amity wiped her tears. "She keeps giving me these horrible visions of you dying- She's even threatened to kill you if I tell you-? I-I don't-" Amity choked up. "That's why I've been so clingy- I-I don't want to lose you and if I do I'm scared to think about it and that when you do I'll end myself and I keep thinking about-"

Luz cupped Amity's face with her cold hands. "Amity, Amity look at me."

The human hiccuped, looking at Luz through blurry eyes. "I. Am. Not. Dying." Luz said sternly. "I. Am. Not. Dead. I live for hundreds if not thousands of years! Amity. If I was to die, it'd be with you. I'll age with you, I'll live alongside you for the rest of our lives!" Luz blurted out, lifting Amity's chin up, wiping her tears.

"Because I love you, Amity."

Hicc- The human lowered her head, Luz wiping her tears away, kissing her face. "I love you, I love you so much Amity, I will never love someone as much as I love you, no one can make me as happy as you make me. I have lied to everyone I've met over the smallest things! You're the only one I'll trust with my life no matter what!"

Amity sobbed, Luz hugging the human while shushing her softly. Luz rubbed Amity's back, humming ever so quietly, "I don't deserve you- I really don't deserve you- You deserve so much better-"

"Nu-Uh, we're not talking like that, we never talk like that, okay? Amity, you deserve me and so much more. If you ever think you don't, tell me, and I'll prove you wrong."

Amity pushed Luz back gently, then kissed her face, "I don't deserve you.." Amity said softly, kissing Luz's cheek.

The witch took the humans hand, kissing her palm. "I left the book of reasons at home, it's too heavy to bring everywhere so I don't have it with me. You will come over and read the entire thing, all two million reasons. But don't ever talk like that, okay? Because you do deserve me, more than anyone else. But since we're here..We need to make a plan, okay?"


----------------The next morning--------------
Tuesday, February 15th.

A door being slammed open made everyone in the manor jump and check out the issue like the little eave- sdroppers they are. "You're never hanging out with me!" Luz shouted, stomping out of Amity's room with her stuff.

Amity groaned, stepping out. "I have a job Luz! I work for my family!!"

"I get that!" Luz hissed. "But you make me come over and then you leave!!"

"You fall asleep everytime we hang out anyways!!" Amity shouted back.

"Girls girls!" Gary cut in. "Slow your roll, come on-"

"Shut up Gary!" They shouted.

He drew back, shuffling behind the butlers. "Right- I'll let you two handle it-"

Amity huffed, Luz snarling quietly. "I take are of the chickens all the time!! Do you expect me to stay up all day and night?!"

"You could tell me you're tired and not hang out! It's that easy!" Amity exclaimed, waving her hands.

Luz groaned, "It's not that easy!! I try to hang out so we can spend time with eachother! You never meet in the middle Amity!"

Big Bird chirped loudly, Amity moving him back with her foot. "Not now Big Bird!" Amity hissed. "I do meet in the middle! We just never do what I want to do!"

"Yes we do! I do everything! You don't participate!" Luz barked back. "You always push people away!"

"I do not!" Big bird pecked Amity's door. "Not now Big Bird!!"

He jumped, scurrying back to the room, hiding under a blanket. "See!?"

Amity sighed. "Listen. We're arguing, he shouldn't be taking part in this."

Ghost waltzed over, mewing quietly, Luz stepping back. Luz's hand was encased in abomination goop, the witch snarling. Ghost hissed at Luz, getting on Amity's shoulder, jumping, retreating to her staff form. Amity caught her, spinning her staff and slamming the end cap down, creating sparks.

The Butlers and maids gasped, "You shouldn't fight- Especially when your kids are around-" One blurted out, signaling to the chickens.

Luz shook her hand and snapped, the abomination goop poofing away, the witch gathering her things. Luz whistled, the chickens and Bruce exiting the room, Luz walking down the stairs. "We're done, Amity. Don't talk to me unless it's an apology." Luz muttered.

"Like that's ever gonna happen." Amity scoffed, going back in to her room, slamming the door.

The front door opened, Luz slamming the door when she exited, leaving a small trail of abomination goop.

End scene.

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now