Hehehehe, you've been fed! [13 part 3]

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The army, who was surprisingly nearby, came. There was a passerby, and the security footage, that caught what happened. Luz was exposed, partially. They didn't catch her face, only caught her using magic, and assumed there was a second witch.

All this, while Camilla was asleep with Prince. Luz was then grounded and couldn't leave the hotel, so the witch brought Amity over. Luz explained what happened, even though Amity already knew, it was on the news back home.

But! They worked through it, and read a book. Amity had it in her lap while Luz was sitting by her, also reading it. The book was a murder mystery, Nero had snuck it in and wanted to read it but after reading the first page, he hated it. There were no cats.

Amity turned the page, Luz being a bit quicker to read. So she noticed the cute scene between the main character and her new love interest. When Luz assumed Amity got to that part, she kissed Amity's cheek, then looked away like it wasn't her.

The human had flinched as it had suprised her. Amity kissed Luz's chee- k, making the witch yelp quietly as it had also suprised her. Then she giggled because it kinda tickled. Amity smiled softly, kissing Luz's cheek again.

The witchling blushed a bit, Amity cupping her face, her hands by Luz's ears. She whined quietly, Amity kissing her forehead, Luz putting her hand over Amity's forearm. "Amity-" Luz whined, glancing up at the human.

Amity closed the gap in between them, using her left hand to lift Luz's chin up, pressing up against her. Took her four seconds to realize what she was doing til she pulled back in an instant. "Oh my god-" Amity said quietly, hovering her hand over her mouth. "I did not just do that--"

Luz was frozen in place, clenching on to her shirt over her heart with her left hand. She could hear her heart beating in her chest, but it felt..Nice? Nero was freaking out in the corner, he saw the entire thing play out, he was meowing gay, gay, gay, gay!

Amity got off the bed, "I just kissed Luz. There is no way it was platonic--" Amity ran her hand through her hair, getting mad at herself. "I didn't even ask for consent-- I'm not straight anymore!- I have to tell Noah I just cheated on him--"

Luz was red, she was still processing what the hell just happened. Slowly, Luz put her hand over her mouth, she was absolutely smitten. She snapped out of her head when she heard the deafening ring of yourself calling someone else. The witch looked over at Amity, the human pacing around.

When she got an answer, she quickly apologized, "Noah- I cheated on you-"


"With Luz-"

"Oh. WHAT!?"

Amity apologized again, "We were reading a book-- Then this cute scene between the main character and her love interest came up-- Luz kissed my cheek so I kissed her back but then she giggled-- I can't handle that idiot giggling--" Amity ranted. "Then I don't know-- I kissed her like twice til it was not platonic anymore--!!"

"You cheated on me!"

"Well I sorta don't regret it?? Is that bad???"

"I mean kinda? But if Luz actually liked me- I would have done this same-- But you, my dear girlfriend, just kissed Luz, how is she now??"

Amity looked over at Luz, "She's uh- Very red-- Amilotl! Take Amity home please before she embarrasses herself more-"

The stuffie came out of the pillow fortress, rushing over, sitting on the humans leg, and taking her home. Luz honestly didn't care, she was trying to re-process this. Nero ran over to her, hopping on the bed, "Do you feel gayer? Can you stop being oblivious and admit you like Amity? How did it feel?" He mewed.

Luz slowly looked over at him, "It..It felt nice.."


When Camilla came back to the hotel with Prince, she found Luz nervously talking to Nero, the kitten trying to get her to spill more. "What's going on? Luz what did you break."

Nero looked over, "Nothing! But she got a girlfriend~"

"Girlfriend? Diablos no." Camilla scoffed.

"No no it's good!" Nero mewed. "It's Amity~"

The witchling whined, burrying her face in her knees, slowly pulling her hood up. "Oh, well in that case, good for you Luz!" Camilla cheered.

Prince rushed over, jumping on the bed, nudging Luz, "What happend? Did Amity ask or did you?" Prince pried.

"I brought her over with Amilotl-- We were reading a book and this cute thing came up with the main charact- er and her love interest so I kissed her cheek--" Luz mumbled, looking up at Camilla. "But she ended up actually kissing me then she left after calling Noah--"

Camilla put the stuff down, cupping Luz's cheek, the witchling tearing up, "Is that so bad..?"

"I-I don't know- She started panicking like she regretted it so I started freaking out- Camilla- I like Amity-- She's my friend and I would really love to go further with her if I could!" Luz exclaimed. "B-But I don't- What if it was an accident? Does she hate me now?? Should I erase her memory of that--? I should call her and ask-"

Camilla kept Luz from getting up, "I know it'll be okay. We go home, tomm- orow really early. You can talk to her then, so don't stress out right now, worry about it, later."

Luz nodded slowly, "Right. Worry about it later.."

Nero squeezed in between her and Camilla, putting his paws on Luz's shoulder, "And hey, if it doesn't work between you two, Amity will definitely be missing out." He mewed. "Whoever doesn't want to date you, that is the same age as you, is an idiot."

Prince nudged Luz, "Yeah he's right! If Amity doesn't want you, it's her loss."

"..Thanks guys.."

To be continued.

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now