Imi--What? [23 part 3]

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"And that's immigration." Amity said, slashing the marking across the board before circling it. "But we've hit a wall."

Luz looked up at Amity, the human covering her mouth to keep herself from laughing. "Pff- I-I'm sorry can we do that again?-" Luz laughed.

Take two.

Amity circled the word immigration, then underlined it. "But we've hit a wall."

Luz got up ever so quietly, then left her room, Amity begining to laugh when she heard Luz. "Cut cut-" Amity waved her hand. "Again I can do it-"

Take three.

"-immigration." Amity underlined the word once. "But we've hit a wall."

Luz looked up at the human, Amity nervously smiling, "That was very rude of you." Luz frowned.

"Luz you can't say anything you laughed the last two takes-"

Damnit! Take four! Do it right!!

"-n." Amity boxed the word. "But we've really hit a wall."

"The calzones cooled off a bit, here." Viney entered the room, holding out a plate. "Oh you're- F--- sorry-"

Luz facepalmed, Amity quickly going over to Viney, taking a Calzone and going back to her earlier spot. "Oh s--- it's hot-" Amity lifted her head up slightly, lightly exhaling even though food was in her mouth. "Still so flipping good- Hah-Hah-Hot!"

"You're as stupid as people who blow on their ice cream before eating it.." Luz grumbled. "Cut!"


Ahem. You didn't read that. Was just a mistake. Bloopers. It's normal! Luz went to Willow's house, then she proceeded not to hang out with her. "It was weird! That Amity was like- Confusing." Luz sighed, throwing the ball.

Gator chased after it, bunking in to the gate, shaking his head. "Ouch ouch ouch!" He whimpered.

"Watch where you're going, Venom did you find it yet?" Luz asked, getting up and going over to Gator.

The beast pulled his head out of the hole he dug, "This thing?" Venom asked, holding out a bug.

Luz looked over, Venom tossing it to her. Luz caught it, examining the bug, "No not this." Luz said, putting the bug down. "It's-"

She paused, her ears perking up. Gator stiffened, his ears lifting up which then scanned the area. Venom looked around, confused. "I don't hear anything..?"

Luz shushed him, pulling herself up on the fence. "Who's there?"

A man came out of the forest, wearing what seemed to be a viking like suit, only the top half though. "Are you the witch?" He asked.

"Uhm- No?-"

He paused, "Okay then..I'll see myself out.." He said, turning on his heel and going back in to the woods.

Gator hopped up, his head barely reaching over the fence. "Gator..Go fetch.."


Luz paced around the open space, waiting for a- "No." Gator hopped out of the bush. "I couldn't find him! I followed his scent but it changed.."

"Then you lost him?" Venom sighed.

Gator lowered his head, "Yeah.."

"Thank you for trying, we just have to watch out for him now okay?"

Gator nodded, "Are we going to the park now??"

Luz hummed, "Sure, let's go."

Gator barked, ramming through the gate, rushing to the back door, "Hurry hurry hurry! Let's go let's go!"

Venom facepalmed, begrudgingly going over to Gator, "You got him excited. Great."

Luz giggled, walking towards them, opening the back door, "Don't act like you don't want like the park too." Luz said, letting them enter first.

"Yeah but a dog is coming! And he's excited!!"

Venom snarled, Luz patting his head, leading the way out the front, Willow following as she was in the kitchen. "The park?" Willow asked.

"Yes! Gator wants to go. Don't you buddy?~"

Gator yipped, pulling the door handle down, rushing out of the house, then back in, licking Willow's knee before leaving again, then returning, sitting down and licking his leg. "Wait what are we doing?" He barked. "OH! PARK! PARK PARK PARK PARK!"

He shot up, rushing out of the house and down the street, Venom sighing heavily, "I'm not dealing with that.."


Amity is now with the group. Hey Amity. But Chrys, why is she here? We literally read about her three minutes ago, can we have Sarah or Liz back? Do you- Do you want Sarah and Liz right now? Are you sure? Well we don't mind but we kinda want to know what Luz and Amity are-

Too late! We're going to Sarah and Liz! Ahem. Court, is where Sarah's currently at. Why? Well, "Due to good behavior, mandatory classes to fix his actions, and near full payment, he's hearby set free."

Sarah glanced over at the man in chains, said man looking back at her, smiling ever so sweetly. "Thank you, you won't regret it." He said to the judge who bowed her head.

The security guard uncuffed the man, letting him rub his wrists before guiding him to his seat. "Momma.."

Sarah looked down at her chest, "Yes Zach..?"

"..Is..Is he going to be free..?"

Sarah sighed quietly, "Yes..He is.." She whispered. "You'll stick with me okay? I'll make sure of it."

Zach clenched on to Sarah's shirt, trembling, "I dwon't want him to hurt you agwain.."

Sarah kissed his head, "It's nothing compared to what he did to you.." Sarah said softly. "I'm here to protect you this time Zach."

The judge got up, those who watched leaving, Sarah waiting til they did. The man came over, standing in front of them, Sarah letting Elizabeth take Zach. "He doesn't want to talk to you." Sarah muttered, getting up. "You lost your right to see him, leave."

The male rose a brow, "Sweet loving Sarah. Always looking out for others, you know that's how people get killed, don't you?" He sneered. "He'll be mine in no time."

Sarah glared at him as he walked off with a security guard, desperately wanting to shoot a bullet through his brain. Which, given the circumstances heh, he uh, might not have one.

To be found, soon.

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now