Grom. [14 part 3.25]

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Gus had done an introduction with the magic band, making a joke or two which the drum kit made a funky beat, the audience laughing. "Ahem, as you all may know, we have a witch amongst us."

The lights went off, pointing to Luz, the witch bowing, the students clapping and cheering. "Luz Noceda has brought a little tradition over of her own, and if you wouldn't mind Luz, care to show us?"

Luz drew a big circle in the air, a puff of blue smoke surrounding all the stu- dents, the smoke retreating to be by Gus. Luz went over to the now formi- ng Illusion, taking the microphone from Gus. "This, is Grometheus." Luz said, signaling to the black beast.

It looked as if it were made of tar, the beast having six eyes, "Last year back at my place of birth, this was my fear."

It changed to a big dragon, with two heads, one red, the other black, both having different elements. The stude- nts gasped, Luz nodding, "Yeah, a bit scary, but this was it. I found a mini version that might have slipped out of my home,"

Boscha brought over the bottle, Luz thanking her and taking it. There was a little black splotch in it, Luz opening the bottle, letting it get on her hand. Her eyes glowed blue for a second before it changed in to a tarantula. "I hate these- GUS TAKE IT-"

He gently nudged the spider to his hand, the morph changing in to a Jack In The Box, the male screamed, tossing it up, Boscha catching it. It didn't change, "Phew- Yeah- This little guy, changes forms to match your fear. Be it something that makes you cringe, gives you a small fright, or you're terrified of."

Boscha returned it to the bottle, closing the lid on it. Luz felt her illusion, the form changing, an axe dropping in to her hand. "We used. Weapons, to defeat this guy."

The students gasped, "Yeah, I learned to use an axe at five by my adoptive mother. She always told me, 'Luz, if you ever get kidnapped, take your axe and swing it in the place we never speak of, okay?'"

The students laughed. Luz threw the axe back, the Illusion disappearing, Luz holding her hand out. A shiny axe with a purple handle took the place in her palm, "This was my axe. I got this a week after I met my mother, already a responsible adult don't you think?"

The students cheered, Luz putting her axe down, "But back to the point. My mother taught me how to defend myself to fight Grometheus, the little black thing you just saw. It was always and still is, the just in case."

"Can I try?!" A student called out.

Luz pointed to them, "Thank you for reminding me! Only the Grom Queen, King, or Ruler can battle it. At home, it's always the student that's the best. Well, mostly strongest since we're magic." Luz snapped, a purple spark coming out.

A couple of students whistled, cheering her on, "So whoever you bet on to be our Pretend Prom Queen, King, or Ruler, gets the chance to fight Grometheus. So Agustus, if you please." Luz bowed, holding out the mic.

He took it, very properly opening up the envelope. He cleared his throat like a proper folk, the students lightly laughing at him. "With majority vote, Noah Creed is our Pretend Prom King! Noah, get yourself up here and pick a weapon of your choice." Gus said, pressing the button Mattholomule offered.

Noah was pushed over, the male very slowly going to pick out a weapon, going over to Luz. "If I don't kill it what happens-"

"I handle it from there."

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